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- Wastewater (3400–066A)
- Email or mail completed experience forms to your regional wastewater OpCert coordinator.
- If applying for lab subclass experience, please refer to this lab experience policy document.
- Waterworks (3400–066B)
- Email or mail completed experience forms to your regional waterworks OpCert coordinator.
Advanced Certification
If you have a current certification in another state and took one or more exams to gain that certification, then you may apply for reciprocity. If you are applying for both waterworks and wastewater certification, complete a separate application for each. A complete reciprocity application includes the following:
- Wastewater Operator Reciprocity Application or the Drinking Water Operator Reciprocity Application
- Social Security Number Request Form (9400–568)
- Cover letter or resume describing your overall experience
- Copy of your current certificate
- Either a Wastewater Operator Certification Experience Form or Waterworks Operator Certification Experience Form. Note: Complete a separate experience form for each facility that you have worked at. For previous employers, you may enter your former supervisor's name and phone number on the form (a former supervisor's signature is not required).
- If you would like to apply for advanced level certification in wastewater, then also complete the Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Certification Application. Four years of hands-on experience is a minimum requirement for advanced level certification. Mail this form in with your reciprocity application.
- Check or money order for $100 Reciprocity Application fee. For those submitting an Advanced Wastewater application in addition the total application fee is $200.
After receipt of your application, please allow 1–3 months for the verification and review process.
Septage business forms
- Septage Servicing New Business License Application (Form 3400–020)
- Land Application Site Request Form (Form 3400–053)
- Septage Storage Facility Permit Application (Form 3400–137)
- Wisconsin Septage Servicing Licensee Vehicle Inspection Report (Form 3400–019)
- If you are self-inspecting, you must also supply four photos of each vehicle showing: 1. the right side of the truck, 2. the left side of the truck, 3. the rear of the truck and tank, and 4. the license plate. Refer to the vehicle inspection instructions and the Vehicle Application Fact Sheet for more information. Note: If emailing photos, send to Please include the name and business license number in the email text to help match up the application and payment to the photos.
Septage operator certification forms and guidance
Farmer non-commercial operator forms
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