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Wisconsin Stewardship Demonstration Forests

Wisconsin has 12 stewardship demonstration forests (SDF) scattered across the state. These forests demonstrate sustainable forest management and responsible stewardship while also using these lands as educational tools for students, private woodland owners and professional foresters. The SDF program also provides an opportunity to demonstrate active timber management and sustainable forest management.

The stewardship demonstration forests are maintained by local DNR foresters who use accepted DNR silvicultural management techniques to manage the forests.


Originally named "Timber Harvest Demonstration Forests," these areas were established in the 1940s to demonstrate growing timber and woodlot management to farmers. Over the years, the emphasis changed to include total ecosystem management and education, and in 1990 they were renamed "Stewardship Demonstration Forests" to reflect their use to educate the general public about managing land for multiple benefits.

Landowner education and general public awareness about sustainable forestry may be more important now than it was in the 1940s when the SDF program first began. The number of private woodland owners has at least doubled, so the value of these forests as educational tools is immense.


There are now 12 stewardship demonstration forests for a total of 1,054 acres in Wisconsin. They vary in size from 32 to 437 acres. View a large map for further details [PDF].

ForestCountyYear EstablishedAcresManagement PlanContact Information
Apple RiverPolk194749Management Plan [PDF]Paul Heimstead
Cairns-EllsworthPierce1948-4957(non-DNR property)Justin Kania
Carlin*Jefferson194980Management plan [PDF]Matthew Thelen
Champion ValleyVernon194753Management plan [PDF]Brian Hoffman
ChilsenLincoln194744Management plan [PDF]Zach Hylinski
Dundee**Fond du Lac194772Management plan [PDF]Adam Zirbel
HallockGrant1984449Management plan [PDF]Tom Priefer
Hardies CreekTrempealeau195056Management plan [PDF]Ryan Strand
RuleIowa196882Management plan [PDF]Ross DeWitt
UhrenholdtSawyer1952123Management plan [PDF]Brody Fischer
WausaukeeMarinette194840Management plan [PDF]Derrick McGee
Wild RoseWaushara1969153Not availableMark Diesen
* - located in Kettle Moraine State Forest-Southern Unit
** - located in Kettle Moraine State Forest-Northern Unit