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Incidental take public notices

Prior to authorizing the incidental taking of an endangered or threatened species, the department must provide public notice of the proposed activity. Any application, conservation plan and implementing agreement submitted as part of a proposed incidental take project shall be available for public review upon request. The department shall consider all public comments on the proposed project if received within the comment period. If the public provides additional information impacting the permit/authorization decision, it will be considered before approval.


Project Name Public Notice End Date Public Notice Jeopardy Assessment
Halverson Dam Abandonment Project July 21, 2024 Link to news release ITA443 Jeopardy Assessment
Nugget Lake County Park Dredging Project July 24, 2024 Link to news release ITA448 Jeopardy Assessment
Northern Natural Gas Project - WIB11901-10-INCH-REPLACE MP 3.9-4.2 Aug. 7, 2024 Link to news release ITA446 Jeopardy Assessment

Request Notification Of Public Notices

Public notices for proposed Incidental Take Authorizations must be distributed to the appropriate local and state news media and organizations that request such notification per s. 29.604, Wis. Stats. [exit DNR].

Incidental take coordinator
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation
Endangered Resources Review Program
PO Box 7921
Madison, WI 53707-7921