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Natural Heritage Inventory Data

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NHI Data Request Form
NHI Data Request Form [PDF]





Detailed Natural Heritage Inventory (NHI) data is granted for one of the following purposes: research, educational, environmental, land management or other similar authorized purposes. There are two ways to request detailed NHI data — a one-time request and an NHI data license.

What type of data request is right for you?

Choose from one of these options:

  • One-time data request is for a small number of records or data from a limited geographical area. No additional training is required—cost: $75/hr staff time.
  • NHI data license — This license is for ongoing access to NHI data for the initial planning of multiple projects, tasks, or a large geographical area. Additional training is required and can be completed online for $250 per trainee (training is valid for five years). Cost: varies based on the geographic area requested (see below).

How much does it cost?

It depends on the number of counties requested.

Number of Counties NHI Portal/GIS Shapefile
Up to four $850
five or more $1,500

Request detailed data

Follow the steps below:

  1. Submit an NHI Data Request Form [PDF] PDF help.
  2. Read the guidance document [PDF].

Request results, not access

If you need NHI data for an upcoming project, you can get results for your site through an Endangered Resources Review or Proposed Review (conducted by a certified reviewer). These reviews constitute a letter including NHI data for your site and required actions and recommendations needed to comply with Wisconsin state and federal endangered species laws.