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Training, surveys and resources

Karner blue butterfly

Karner blue butterfly

Resources for HCP partners

Annual report

The Karner HCP Annual Reporting form is now available for HCP Partners. The annual report is due before March 1, 2025, for 2024 activities. Partner Agreements require that those who receive coverage under the Federal Incidental Take Permit for KBB submit a report detailing the activities (e.g. management, ground disturbance work, timber sales, prescribed burns, mowing, surveys, land transfers, outreach/education) that they engaged in for the year.

HCP guide and protocols

The Karner Blue Butterfly Habitat Conservation Plan User Guide is the single source of implementation guidelines and protocols for conserving habitat for the Karner blue butterfly, a federally-listed endangered species in Wisconsin. The user's guide contains the management guidelines and protocols as well as the monitoring protocols used by plan partners when conducting activities in the high potential range of Karner Blue in Wisconsin.

Download the complete HCP User Guide [PDF].


Management protocols

HCP User's guide flowchart

Habitat Conservation Plan documents

Apply for coverage

Application for consideration for inclusion in the Wisconsin statewide Karner blue butterfly HCP
If you have trouble opening, saving or submitting fillable PDF forms in your web browser see PDF help

One-time permits with a permanent take of habitat will require the completion of a Habitat Replacement Plan Template for Major Construction Projects that can be completed either concurrent with or after the partnership process.

Resources for HCP partners and non-partners

Emergence predictions

The 2025 Karner blue butterfly (KBB) flight predictions are below. These dates represent the average day of 1st observation and standard deviation. This page will be updated as Karners are observed throughout the 2025 season.

KBB peak flight is approximately 2 weeks after emergence.

Three surveys are required to show KBB absence. The first survey may be done during the first KBB flight period. If KBB is observed on the first or second survey, you do not need to complete subsequent surveys. Both second and third surveys must be done during the second KBB flight period, with a 3-7 day interval between surveys.

Training is required to conduct lupine and KBB surveys with renewal training at least every 5 years. Register using the training tab below if you need training.

Location2025 First Flight EmergenceStandard Deviation (+/- days)2024 Second Flight EmergenceStandard Deviation (+/- days)
Eau Claire5/30/202577/14/20255
Stevens Point6/3/202577/13/20256
Wild RiverNo DataNo DataNo DataNo Data

KBB and Lupine Survey Training Request

To conduct Karner blue butterfly and lupine surveys in Wisconsin, surveyors are required to take the online survey training initially and then retake it at least every five years. This training requires watching provided videos and passing a multiple-choice exam.

To register for the Wisconsin Karner blue butterfly and lupine survey online training, please email the following information to the Karner HCP coordinator:

  1. First and Last Name
  2. Phone Number
  3. Office Location (mailing address with city, state, and zip code)
  4. Job Title
  5. Organization Name
  6. Are you a KBB HCP partner, working for an HCP partner or a non-HCP partner?
    • HCP partner = Employees, interns and volunteers of HCP partners
    • Working for an HCP partner = consultant working for a partner
    • Non-HCP partner = Consultant not working for an HCP partner
  7. Your reason for taking the training

Survey forms

Reporting of Incidental Take Permit Use [exit DNR]
Lupine Presence/Absence  [Download PDF]
Karner Presence/Absence  [Download PDF]
Habitat Assessment Form  [Download PDF]

Common nectar plants

Common nectar plants of the Karner blue butterfly