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Compliance Maintenance Annual Report (CMAR)

Each eCMAR form section has helpful instructions on how to complete that section. You can access these instructions on the eCMAR form by clicking the "Section Information" link.

The sections of the eCMAR form are listed below. A facility's eCMAR form will contain only those sections of the form applicable to the wastewater treatment system. Click on any section to view a PDF file containing the instructions for that section.

TIP: You may wish to print out instructions for the sections appropriate for your wastewater treatment works before you complete your eCMAR.

  1. Influent Flow and Loading
  2. Effluent Quality and Plant Performance (BOD5/CBOD5)
  3. Effluent Quality and Plant Performance (Total Suspended Solids -TSS)
  4. Effluent Quality and Plant Performance (Ammonia - NH3)
  5. Effluent Quality and Plant Performance (Phosphorus - P)
  6. Effluent Quality and Plant Performance (Total Nitrogen - Total N)
  7. Groundwater Quality
  8. Ponds and Lagoon Leakage
  9. Biosolids Quality and Management
  10. Staffing and Preventative Maintenance
  11. Operator Certification and Education
  12. Financial Management
  13. Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems
  14. Resolution or Owner Statement

To view the sections of the form for each topic above, see View Sections of the eCMAR form.