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Category Common Name Scientific name NR40 Regulated NR40 Added Habitat
Plant Amur cork tree Phellodendron amurense Prohibited 5/1/2015 T
Plant Amur honeysuckle Lonicera maackii Prohibited/Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Amur maple Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Anchored water hyacinth Eichhornia azurea Prohibited 5/1/2015 A, W
Plant Aquatic forget-me-not Myosotis scorpioides Restricted 5/1/2015 W, T
Plant Asian loeseneri bittersweet Celastrus loeseneri Prohibited 5/1/2015 T
Plant Asian marshweed Limnophila sessiliflora Prohibited 5/1/2015 A, W
Plant Australian swamp crop or New Zealand pygmyweed Crassula helmsii Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Plant Autumn olive Elaeagnus umbellata Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Balfour's touch-me-not Impatiens balfourii Restricted 5/1/2015 W, T
Plant Bell's or showy bush honeysuckle Lonicera x bella Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Bishop's goutweed Aegopodium podagraria Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Black (European) alder Alnus glutinosa Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Black knapweed Centaurea nigra Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Black locust Robinia pseudoacacia Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Black or Louise's swallow−wort Vincetoxicum nigrum or Cynanchum louiseae Prohibited/Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Bohemian knotweed Fallopia x bohemicum or F. x bohemica or Polygonum × bohemicum Prohibited 5/1/2015 W, T
Plant Brittle naiad, or lesser, bushy, slender, spiny or minor naiad or water nymph Najas minor Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Plant Brown knapweed Centaurea jacea Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Burning bush Euonymus alatus Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Butterfly dock Petasites hybridus Prohibited 5/1/2015 W, T
Plant Canada thistle Cirsium arvense Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Celandine Chelidonium majus Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Chinese wisteria Wisteria sinensis Prohibited 5/1/2015 T
Plant Chinese yam Dioscorea batatas or D. polystacha Prohibited 5/1/2015 W, T
Plant Colt's foot Tussilago farfara Prohibited 5/1/2015 W, T
Plant Common barberry Berberis vulgaris Prohibited 5/1/2015 T
Plant Common buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Common teasel Dipsacus sylvestris or D. fullonum Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Creeping bellflower Campanula rapunculoides Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Crown vetch Coronilla varia Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Curly−leaf pondweed Potamogeton crispus Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Plant Cut−leaved teasel Dipsacus laciniatus Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Cypress spurge Euphorbia cyparissias Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Dalmatian toadflax Linaria dalmatica Prohibited/Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Dame's rocket Hesperis matronalis Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Diffuse knapweed Centaurea diffusa Prohibited 5/1/2015 T
Plant Ducklettuce Ottelia alismoides Prohibited 5/1/2015 A
Plant Egeria Egeria densa Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Plant Eurasian watermilfoil Myriophyllum spicatum Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Plant European frogbit Hydrocharis morsus−ranae Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Plant European marsh thistle Cirsium palustre Prohibited/Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Fanwort, Carolina Fanwort Cabomba caroliniana Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Plant Field scabiosa Knautia arvensis Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Fiveleaf akebia or Chocolate vine Akebia quinata Prohibited 5/1/2015 T
Plant Floating marsh pennywort Hydrocotyle ranunculoides Prohibited 5/1/2015 A
Plant Flowering rush Butomus umbellatus Restricted 9/1/2009 A, W
Plant Garden heliotrope or Valerian Valeriana officinalis Restricted 5/1/2015 W, T
Plant Garden yellow loosestrife Lysimachia vulgaris Restricted 5/1/2015 W, T
Plant Garlic mustard Alliaria petiolata Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Giant hogweed Heracleum mantegazzianum Prohibited 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Giant knotweed Fallopia sachalinensis or Polygonum sachalinense Prohibited 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Giant reed Arundo donax Prohibited 5/1/2015 A, W
Plant Giant salvinia Salvinia herzogii Prohibited 5/1/2015 A, W
Plant Giant salvinia Salvinia molesta Prohibited 5/1/2015 A, W
Plant Glossy buckthorn Rhamnus frangula or Frangula alnus Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Graceful cattail Typha laxmannii Prohibited 5/1/2015 A, W
Plant Grecian foxglove Digitalis lanata Prohibited 5/1/2015 T
Plant Hairy willow herb Epilobium hirsutum Prohibited/Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Hawaii arrowhead Sagittaria sagittifolia Prohibited 5/1/2015 A, W
Plant Helleborine orchid Epipactis helleborine Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Hemp nettle, brittlestem hemp nettle Galeopsis tetrahit Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Hill mustard Bunias orientalis Prohibited/Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Himalayan blackberry Rubus armeniacus Prohibited 5/1/2015 T
Plant Hound's tongue Cynoglossum officinale Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Hybrid cattail Typha x glauca Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Hydrilla Hydrilla verticillata Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Plant Indian Swampweed Hygrophila polysperma Prohibited 5/1/2015 A
Plant Indian yam Dioscorea oppositifolia Prohibited 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Japanese barberry Berberis thunbergii Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Japanese chaff flower Achyranthes japonica Prohibited 5/1/2015 T
Plant Japanese hedge parsley or erect hedge parsley Torilis japonica Prohibited/Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Japanese honeysuckle Lonicera japonica Prohibited 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Japanese hops Humulus japonicus Prohibited/Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Japanese knotweed Fallopia japonica or Polygonum cuspidatum Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Japanese stilt grass Microstegium vimineum Prohibited 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Japanese wisteria Wisteria floribunda Prohibited 5/1/2015 T
Plant Java waterdropwort or Vietnamese parsley Oenanthe javanica Prohibited 5/1/2015 A, W
Plant Johnsongrass Sorghum halepense Prohibited 5/1/2015 T
Plant Kudzu Pueraria montana or P. lobata Prohibited 9/1/2009 T
Plant Leafy spurge Euphorbia esula Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Lesser celandine Ranunculus ficaria Prohibited 5/1/2015 W, T
Plant Lyme grass or sand ryegrass Leymus arenarius or Elymus arenarius Prohibited/Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Medusahead Taeniatherum caput-medusae Prohibited 5/1/2015 T
Plant Mile−a−minute vine Polygonum perfoliatum or Persicaria perfoliata Prohibited 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Moneywort Lysimachia nummularia (or L. nummelaria) Restricted 5/1/2015 W, T
Plant Morrow's honeysuckle Lonicera morrowii Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Mosquito fern Azolla pinnata Prohibited 5/1/2015 A, W
Plant Mudmat Glossostigma cleistanthum Prohibited 5/1/2015 A, W
Plant Multiflora rose Rosa multiflora Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Musk thistle or Nodding thistle Carduus nutans Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Narrow-leaf bittercress Cardamine impatiens Prohibited 5/1/2015 W, T
Plant Narrow-leaf cattail Typha angustifolia Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Oriental bittersweet Celastrus orbiculatus Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Oxygen−weed, African elodea or African waterweed Lagarosiphon major Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Plant Pale or European swallow−wort Vincetoxicum rossicum or Cynanchum rossicum Prohibited 9/1/2009 T
Plant Parrot feather Myriophyllum aquaticum Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Plant Perennial or broadleaved pepperweed Lepidium latifolium Prohibited 9/1/2009 T
Plant Phragmites or Common reed non-native ecotype Phragmites australis non-native ecotype Prohibited/Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Plumeless thistle Carduus acanthoides Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Poison hemlock Conium maculatum Prohibited/Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Policeman's helmet Impatiens glandulifera Prohibited 5/1/2015 W, T
Plant Porcelain berry Ampelopsis brevipedunculata Prohibited 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Princess tree Paulownia tomentosa Prohibited 9/1/2009 T
Plant Purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Queen of the meadow Filipendula ulmaria Restricted 5/1/2015 W, T
Plant ribbon grass or gardener's garters and other ornamental variegated varieties and cultivars. Phalaris arundinacea var. picta Restricted 5/1/2015 W, T
Plant Rose acacia or Bristly locust Robinia hispida Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Russian knapweed Centaurea repens Prohibited 5/1/2015 T
Plant Russian olive Elaeagnus angustifolia Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Sacred Lotus Nelumbo nucifera Prohibited 5/1/2015 A
Plant Sawtooth oak Quercus acutissima Prohibited 9/1/2009 T
Plant Scarlet pimpernel or Burnet saxifrage Pimpinella saxifraga Restricted 5/1/2015 W, T
Plant Scotch broom Cytisus scoparius Prohibited 9/1/2009 T
Plant Seaside goldenrod Solidago sempervirens Prohibited/Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Sericea or Chinese lespedeza Lespedeza cuneata or L. sericea Prohibited 9/1/2009 T
Plant Siberian elm Ulmus pumila Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Siberian peashrub Caragana arborescens Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Southern cattail Typha domingensis Prohibited 5/1/2015 A, W
Plant Spiny naiad Najas marina Restricted 5/1/2015 A, W
Plant Spotted knapweed Centaurea biebersteinii, C. maculosa or C. stoebe Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Spreading hedge parsley Torilis arvensis Prohibited 9/1/2009 T
Plant Tall or reed mannagrass Glyceria maxima Prohibited/Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Tansy Tanacetum vulgare Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Tartarian honeysuckle Lonicera tatarica Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Tree of heaven Ailanthus altissima Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Tyrol knapweed Centaurea nigrescens Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Wanded loosestrife Lythrum virgatum Prohibited 5/1/2015 A, W
Plant Water chestnut Trapa natans Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Plant Water hyacinth, floating Eichhornia crassipes Prohibited 5/1/2015 A, W
Plant Water lettuce Pistia stratiotes Prohibited 5/1/2015 A, W
Plant Water Soldiers Stratiotes aloides Prohibited 5/1/2015 A, W
Plant Water spinach, swamp morning-glory Ipomoea aquatica Prohibited 5/1/2015 A, W
Plant Wavy leaf basket grass Oplismenus hirtellus ssp. undulatifolius Prohibited 5/1/2015 T
Plant White bedstraw Galium mollugo Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant White mulberry Morus alba Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant White poplar Populus alba Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Wild chervil Anthriscus sylvestris Prohibited/Restricted 9/1/2009 W, T
Plant Wild parsnip Pastinaca sativa Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Plant Wineberry or wine raspberry Rubus phoenicolasius Prohibited 9/1/2009 T
Plant Woodland forget-me-not Myosotis sylvatica (or M. sylvaticum) Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Wormwood Artemisia absinthium Restricted 5/1/2015 T
Plant Yellow floating heart Nymphoides peltata Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Plant Yellow iris Iris pseudacorus Restricted 5/1/2015 A, W, T
Plant Yellow star thistle Centaurea solstitialis Prohibited 9/1/2009 T
Other Cylindro (cyanobacteria) Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Other Didymo or rock snot Didymosphenia geminata Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Other Golden alga Prymnesium parvum Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Other Killer algae Caulerpa taxifolia Prohibited 5/1/2015 A
Other Novel cyanobacterial epiphyte of the order Stigonematales linked with avian vacuolar myelinopathy Stigonematales spp. Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Other Starry stonewort (alga) Nitellopsis obtusa Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Other Ulva species, including species previously known as Enteromorpha species Ulva (Enteromorpha) species Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Other White-nose syndrome fungal pathogen Pseudogymnoascus destructans Prohibited 6/1/2011 T
Animal Alewife Alosa pseudoharengus Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Arctic char (2) Salvelinus alpinus Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Asian clam Corbicula fluminea Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Animal Asian longhorned beetle Anoplophora glabripennis Prohibited 9/1/2009 T
Animal Atlantic salmon (2) Salmo salar Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Banded mystery snail Viviparus georgianus Restricted 5/1/2015 A
Animal Bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Animal Bitterling (3) Rhodeus spp. Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Animal Bloody shrimp Hemimysis anomala Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Animal Brown trout (2) Salmo trutta Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Chinese hi-fin banded shark (3) Myxocyprinus asiaticus Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Chinese mitten crabs Eriocheir sinensi Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Animal Chinese mystery snail Cipangopaludina chinensis Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Chinook salmon (2) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Coho salmon (2) Oncorhynchus kisutch Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Common carp Cyprinus carpio Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Crayfish - non-native Crayfish Prohibited 9/1/2009 A, W
Animal Eastern mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Emerald ash borer Agrilus planipennis Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Animal European valve snail Valvata piscinalis Restricted 5/1/2015 A
Animal Faucet snail Bithynia tentaculata Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Animal Feral domestic swine Sus domestica Prohibited 9/1/2009 T
Animal Fishhook water flea Cercopagis pengoi Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Animal Golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei Prohibited 5/1/2015 A
Animal Goldfish *(3) Carassius auratus Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Animal Hemlock woolly adelgid Adelges tsugae Prohibited 9/1/2009 T
Animal Ide (3) Leuciscus idus Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Japanese trapdoor snail or Japanese mystery snail Cipangopaludina japonica Restricted 5/1/2015 A
Animal Jumping worm Amynthas or Amynthus species Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Animal Killer Shrimp Dikerogammarus villosus Prohibited 5/1/2015 A
Animal Koi carp *(3) Cyprinus rubrofuscus Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Malaysian trumpet snail Melanoides tuberculata Prohibited 5/1/2015 A
Animal Monk or Quaker parakeet or parrot Myiopsitta monachus Prohibited 9/1/2009 T
Animal Mountain Pine Beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae Prohibited 5/1/2015 T
Animal New Zealand mud snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Animal Nutria Myocastor coypus Prohibited 5/1/2015 A, W, T
Animal Pink salmon (2) Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Quagga mussel Dreissena rostriformis Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Animal Rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Rainbow trout (2) Oncorhynchus mykiss Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Red shiner Cyprinella lutrensis Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Animal Redear sunfish (2) Lepomis microlophus Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Round goby Neogobius melanostomus Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Animal Ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Russian boar & other wild swine Sus scrofa Prohibited 9/1/2009 T
Animal Rusty crayfish (non-native established) Orconectes rusticus Restricted 9/1/2009 A, W
Animal Sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Animal Snakehead family Channidae Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Animal Spiny water flea Bythotrephes cederstroemi Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Animal Spongy moth, North American or European subspecies Lymantria dispar dispar Restricted 9/1/2009 T
Animal Spongy moth, subspecies with flight-capable females Lymantria dispar asiatica or L. dispar japonica Prohibited 9/1/2009 T
Animal Sterlet (3) Acipenser ruthenus Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Sudden oak death pathogen Phytophthora ramorum Prohibited 9/1/2009 T
Animal Tench Tinca tinca Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Animal Thousand cankers disease of walnut Geosmithia morbida Prohibited 5/1/2015 T
Animal Three-spine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Tiger trout (2) Salvelinus fontinalis x Salmo trutta Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Tilapia Tilapia spp. Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Tubenose Goby Proterorhinus marmoratus Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Walnut twig beetle Pityophthorus juglandis Prohibited 5/1/2015 T
Animal Water flea Daphnia lumholtzi Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Animal Weather loach (3) Misgurnus anguillicaudatus Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Western mosquitofish Gambusia affinis Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal White perch Morone americana Restricted 9/1/2009 A
Animal Zander Sander lucioperca Prohibited 9/1/2009 A
Animal Zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha Restricted 9/1/2009 A