Report to the Legislature
Wisconsin Groundwater Coordinating Council (GCC)
The Groundwater Coordinating Council prepares an annual report each year that summarizes the operations and activities of the council, describes the state of the groundwater resource and its management and makes recommendations. The report is due each August for the preceding fiscal year. The latest report is for fiscal year 2024 (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024) and is contained on these webpages.
2024 Report Priority Recommendations
Worth Protecting. Photo Credit: iStock/Lise Gagne.
- Set new and revised health-based groundwater standards imperative for protecting public health and the environment from PFAS, nitrate and other contaminants.
- Implement agricultural practices that protect groundwater from nitrate, pesticides and other contaminants.
- Address public health and environmental concerns regarding PFAS, nitrate and other groundwater contaminants.
- Find solutions for water-stressed areas affecting communities, economic activity and water resources.