What to Know Before Doing Work in the Fox River
The Lower Fox River and Green Bay PCB Cleanup Project was recently completed after a 20-year effort to locate and remove over six million cubic yards of sediment contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The approved remedies for the project were dredging, capping, sand covers and natural recovery.
Engineered caps (PCB Caps) were constructed in limited areas over PCB-contaminated sediment to protect human health and the environment. PCB Caps are maintained by responsible parties for the cleanup. PCB Caps must be protected from disturbances or interference that might be caused by various activities (e.g., barge spuds, boat hull contact, tugboat propeller wash, structures like pilings or riprap, loading material on a PCB Cap, dredging and more). Those who disturb a PCB Cap are responsible for any damage and possible PCB releases, including repairing a PCB Cap to restore its integrity. Other areas of the river, including those with sand cover, are not restricted from disturbance.
Activities that disturb or interfere with PCB Caps may be restricted or prohibited depending on the outcome of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (the “Oversight Agencies“) technical review of proposed work plans. The technical review process described below does not prevent anyone from working in the river so long as the proposed work is protective of PCB Caps and reviewed in advance by the Oversight Agencies.
Please follow the process outlined below.
Process For Proposed Projects In Lower Fox River (Little Lake Buttes Des Morts To Green Bay)
- Contact your DNR Water Management Specialist (WMS). For proposed projects in public navigable waterways, contact a DNR WMS to determine if a Wisconsin Statute Chapter 30 permit is required.
- For dredging work: submit a “pre-application” to the appropriate WMS before submitting a permit application.
- Permit exemptions: review the DNR's Waterways Permitting Process page to see if a “Waterway Exemption” applies to your project.
- Check if proposed work is in a PCB Cap area. Two types of PCB Cap maps are available from the DNR: OU1 & OU2-5
- Restricted activities in PCB Cap areas. Those who disturb PCB Caps are responsible for damage, including PCB releases and PCB Cap repairs caused by that disturbance. If your proposed work must be in a PCB Cap area, you must submit a technical work plan for review by the DNR before doing the work and include details on PCB Cap disturbance, subsequent repair and mitigation of PCB releases. This proposed work plan is a Post-Closure Modification Request and must be submitted with applicable fees to DNR’s Remediation & Redevelopment (RR) Program for approval before starting your proposed work. DNR’s review of your work plan will incorporate a review by the Oversight Agencies for the PCB Cleanup Project.
- The Post-Closure Modification Request process is outlined in the DNR's Guidance on Post-Closure Modifications document.
- Submit a Post-Closure Modification Request for work in the Lower Fox River or Green Bay via email to the DNR’s Northeast Region Environmental Program Associate (Denise.Danelski@wisconsin.gov) or deliver it to:
Denise Danelski
Wisconsin DNR
2984 Shawano Ave.
Green Bay, WI 54313
PCB Caps were designed and constructed to remain in place forever to protect human health and the environment. Those who work and live on the river are an important part of protecting the PCB Caps. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
If you have questions about this process for the Lower Fox River, please contact Questions@foxriverpcb.com or call 920-843-1014.