Drinking Water, Groundwater and Wells Publications
Publications listed by title
- Annual safe drinking water report (DG-045) [PDF]
- Answers to your questions about well filling and sealing (DG-016) [PDF]
- Arsenic in drinking water (DG-062) [PDF]
- Assigning and verifying Wisconsin unique well numbers [PDF]
- Bacteria Treatment Fact Sheet (DG-101)
- Bacteriological contamination of drinking water wells (DG-003) [PDF]
- Basement Wells Fact Sheet and Flow Chart (DG-086) [PDF]
- Better homes & groundwater (DG-070) [PDF]
- Citizens joining a neighborhood drinking water watchers program (DG-075) [PDF]
- Common Problems Found During an NN Sanitary Survey Fact Sheet (DG-105)
- Continuing Obligations, Residual and Known Groundwater Contamination (DG-116)
- Contract County Inspected TN Water Systems Fact Sheet (DG-098)
- Copper in drinking water (DG-027) [PDF]
- Cryptosporidium: a risk to our drinking water (DG-034) [PDF]
- Door County TN Water System Fact Sheet (DG-096)
- Driven point (sandpoint) wells (DG-022) [PDF]
- Dual Aquifers Fact Sheet (DG-107)
- Earwigs in your well (DG-029) [PDF]
- Financial matters: owning & operating a public water system (DG-066) [PDF]
- Flowing Wells Fact Sheet and Flow Chart (DG-099)
- Groundwater & land use in the water cycle (poster) [PDF]
- Groundwater – Wisconsin's buried treasure (DG-055)
- Groundwater sampling desk reference (DG-037) [PDF]
- Groundwater sampling field manual (DG-038) [PDF]
- Groundwater study guide (DG-076) [PDF]
- Hand Pumps on Wellheads Fact Sheet (DG-103)
- How to Access Public Drinking Water System (DWS) Information (DG-106)
- Information for Private Well Owners with Potential Livestock Contamination (DG-083) [PDF]
- Iron bacteria problems in wells (DG-004) [PDF]
- Iron in drinking water (DG-035) [PDF]
- Lead in drinking water (DG-015) [PDF]
- Lead in drinking water - hmong version (DG-081) [PDF]
- Lead in drinking water - spanish version (DG-080) [PDF]
- Lead Service Line Inventory Technical Assistance (DG-115)
- Manganese in drinking water
- Nitrate in drinking water (DG-001) [PDF]
- Nitrate in drinking water - hmong version (DG-072) [PDF]
- Nitrate in drinking water - spanish version (DG-032) [PDF]
- Nonpressure Storage Vessels Fact Sheet (DG-093) [PDF]
- Nonpressurized Conduit Fact Sheet and Flow Chart (DG-087) [PDF]
- Non-Transient Non-Community Sanitary Survey Fact Sheet (DG-104)
- Operator's handbook for safe drinking water - for other-than-municipal and non-transient, non-community water systems (DG-056) [PDF]
- Pesticides in drinking water (DG-007) [PDF]
- Pits and Alcoves Fact Sheet and Flow Chart (DG-085) [PDF]
- Preparing for a Municipal Drinking Water System Sanitary Survey (DG-082)
- Property Transfer Well Inspections – A fact sheet for buyers and sellers (DG-091)
- Providing safe drinking water for your festival: a guide for event planners (DG-078) [PDF]
- NR 854 Water Supply Service Area Plans Fact Sheet (DG-117)
- Radium in drinking water (DG-008) [PDF]
- Sample Faucets Fact Sheet (DG-100)
- Seasonal public drinking water system start-up procedure (DG-079I) [PDF]
- Small water system operator certification manual (DG-068) [PDF]
- Springs as a Potable Water Supply Fact Sheet (DG-094) [PDF]
- Sulfur bacteria problems in wells (DG-005) [PDF]
- Template for preparing wellhead protection plans for municipal wells (DG-053) [PDF]
- Tests for drinking water from private wells (DG-023) [PDF]
- The potential for drinking water contamination from submersible well pumps (DG-025) [PDF]
- Understanding your Property Transfer Well Inspection Results – A fact sheet for buyers and sellers (DG-092)
- Unprotected Springs Can Be Hazardous to Your Health (DG-013)
- Utilities creating a neighborhood drinking water watchers program (DG-074) [PDF]
- Volatile organic chemicals in drinking water (DG-009) [PDF]
- Water Sample Requirements Fact Sheet and Flow Chart (DG-088) [PDF]
- Water system security (DG-077) [PDF]
- Water Well, Reservoir and Spring Location Fact Sheet (DG-102)
- Well Casing Heights Fact Sheet and Flow Chart (DG-089) [PDF]
- Well chlorination in arsenic sensitive areas (DG-069) [PDF]
- Wellhead protection ordinances – examples [PDF]
- Wisconsin DNR Inspected TN Water Systems Fact Sheet (DG-097)
- Wisconsin's capacity development program for new public water systems (DG-058) [PDF]
- Wisconsin's capacity development report to the Governor (DG-071) [PDF]
- Wisconsin's capacity development strategy (DG-063) [PDF]
- Yard Hydrants Fact Sheet and Flow Chart (DG-084) [PDF]
- You and your well (DG-002) [PDF]
Publications listed by topic
- Arsenic in drinking water (DG-062) [PDF]
- Bacteriological contamination of drinking water wells (DG-003) [PDF]
- Copper in drinking water (DG-027) [PDF]
- Cryptosporidium: a risk to our drinking water (DG-034) [PDF]
- Earwigs in your well (DG-029) [PDF]
- Information for Private Well Owners with Potential Livestock Contamination (DG-083) [PDF]
- Iron bacteria problems in wells (DG-004) [PDF]
- Iron in drinking water (DG-035) [PDF]
- Lead in drinking water (DG-015) [PDF]
- Manganese in drinking water
- Nitrate in drinking water (DG-001) [PDF]
- Pesticides in drinking water (DG-007) [PDF]
- Radium in drinking water (DG-008) [PDF]
- Sulfur bacteria problems in wells (DG-005) [PDF]
- Volatile organic chemicals in drinking water (DG-009) [PDF]
Public drinking water supply systems
- Annual safe drinking water report (DG-045) [PDF]
- Citizens joining a neighborhood drinking water watchers program (DG-075) [PDF]
- Common Problems Found During an NN Sanitary Survey Fact Sheet (DG-105)
- Contract County Inspected TN Water Systems Fact Sheet (DG-098)
- Door County TN Water System Fact Sheet (DG-096)
- Financial matters: owning & operating a public water system (DG-066) [PDF]
- How to Access Public Drinking Water System (DWS) Information (DG-106)
- Lead Service Line Inventory Technical Assistance (DG-115)
- Non-Transient Non-Community Sanitary Survey Fact Sheet (DG-104)
- Operator's handbook for safe drinking water - for other-than-municipal and non-transient, non-community water systems (DG-056) [PDF]
- Preparing for a Municipal Drinking Water System Sanitary Survey (DG-082)
- Providing safe drinking water for your festival: a guide for event planners (DG-078) [PDF]
- Seasonal public drinking water system start-up procedure (DG-079I) [PDF]
- Small water system operator certification manual (DG-068) [PDF]
- Template for preparing wellhead protection plans for municipal wells (DG-053) [PDF]
- Utilities creating a neighborhood drinking water watchers program (DG-074) [PDF]
- Water system security (DG-077) [PDF]
- Wisconsin DNR Inspected TN Water Systems Fact Sheet (DG-097)
- Wisconsin's capacity development program for new public water systems (DG-058) [PDF]
- Wisconsin's capacity development report to the Governor (DG-071) [PDF]
- Wisconsin's capacity development strategy (DG-063) [PDF]
- Better homes & groundwater (DG-070) [PDF]
- Groundwater & land use in the water cycle (poster) [PDF]
- Groundwater – Wisconsin's buried treasure (DG-055)
- Groundwater sampling desk reference (DG-037) [PDF]
- Groundwater sampling field manual (DG-038) [PDF]
- Groundwater study guide (DG-076) [PDF]
- Wellhead protection ordinances – examples [PDF]
Private wells
- Answers to your questions about well filling and sealing (DG-016) [PDF]
- Assigning and verifying Wisconsin unique well numbers [PDF]
- Bacteria Treatment Fact Sheet (DG-101)
- Basement Wells Fact Sheet and Flow Chart (DG-086) [PDF]
- Continuing Obligations, Residual and Known Groundwater Contamination (DG-116)
- Driven point (sandpoint) wells (DG-022) [PDF]
- Dual Aquifers Fact Sheet (DG-107)
- Flowing Wells Fact Sheet and Flow Chart (DG-099)
- Hand Pumps on Wellheads Fact Sheet (DG-103)
- Nonpressure Storage Vessels Fact Sheet (DG-093) [PDF]
- Nonpressurized Conduit Fact Sheet and Flow Chart (DG-087) [PDF]
- Pits and Alcoves Fact Sheet and Flow Chart (DG-085) [PDF]
- Property Transfer Well Inspections – A fact sheet for buyers and sellers (DG-091)
- Sample Faucets Fact Sheet (DG-100)
- Springs as a Potable Water Supply Fact Sheet (DG-094) [PDF]
- Tests for drinking water from private wells (DG-023) [PDF]
- The potential for drinking water contamination from submersible well pumps (DG-025) [PDF]
- Understanding your Property Transfer Well Inspection Results – A fact sheet for buyers and sellers (DG-092)
- Unprotected Springs Can Be Hazardous to Your Health (DG-013)
- Water Sample Requirements Fact Sheet and Flow Chart (DG-088) [PDF]
- Water Well, Reservoir and Spring Location Fact Sheet (DG-102)
- Well Casing Heights Fact Sheet and Flow Chart (DG-089) [PDF]
- Well chlorination in arsenic sensitive areas (DG-069) [PDF]
- Yard Hydrants Fact Sheet and Flow Chart (DG-084) [PDF]
- You and your well (DG-002) [PDF]