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    February 2015 agenda and meeting materials

    February 2015 Natural Resources Board agenda (PDF) This is the official agenda. February 2015 Natural Resources Board brief of action (PDF) Natural Resources Board meeting webcasts

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    December 2015 agenda and meeting materials

    December 2015 Natural Resources Board agenda [PDF] This is the official agenda. Natural Resources Board meeting webcasts December 2015 Natural Resources Board tour attendees and public appearances (PDF)

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    August 2015 agenda and meeting materials

    August 2015 Natural Resources Board agenda (PDF) This is the official agenda. August 2015 Natural Resources Board brief of action (PDF) Natural Resources Board meeting webcasts

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    April 2015 agenda and meeting materials

    April 2015 Natural Resources Board agenda (PDF) This is the official agenda. April 2015 Natural Resources Board brief of action (PDF) Natural Resources Board meeting webcasts

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    2015 Agendas

    Unless otherwise noted, each 2015 Natural Resources Board agenda includes the following meeting materials:

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    2015 Briefs of Action

    Briefs of action (BOAs) are summaries of motions and votes at a Board meeting. Board meeting minutes were discontinued in March 2013; as of April 2013, each meeting's brief of action and webcast serve as the official record.

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    September 2014 agenda and meeting materials

    September 2014 Natural Resources Board agenda (PDF) This is the official agenda. September 2014 Natural Resources Board brief of action (PDF) Natural Resources Board meeting webcasts

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    May 2014 agenda and meeting materials

    May 2014 Natural Resources Board agenda (PDF) This is the official agenda. May 2014 Natural Resources Board brief of action (PDF) Natural Resources Board meeting webcasts

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    October 2014 agenda and meeting materials

    October 2014 Natural Resources Board agenda (PDF) This is the official agenda. October 2014 Natural Resources Board brief of action (PDF) Natural Resources Board meeting webcasts

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    March 19, 2014 agenda and meeting materials

    March 2014 Natural Resources Board agenda (PDF) This is the official agenda. March 2014 Natural Resources Board brief of action (PDF) Natural Resources Board meeting webcasts

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