The Wisconsin forest tree improvement program is a long-term collaborative effort between the Division of Forestry and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology.
Seedling handling Reforestation surveys indicate that the most common problems facing seedling survival are moisture stress, poor handling and physical damage before planting. From the time seedlings are lifted from the nursery bed to the time…
Listed below are several methods for protecting and caring for tree plantings. Shelters Shelters protect trees from animal browse and improve initial height growth by creating a "greenhouse" effect. They make seedlings easier to locate and protect…
Site preparation is the creation of a favorable growing environment for tree seeds or seedlings. The biggest obstacle facing seedling establishment is competition from other vegetation. Effective site preparation will reduce competing vegetation and…
Each year, the Reforestation Program purchases quality seed from locally adapted native trees and shrubs to meet reforestation goals in Wisconsin. A large portion of this seed is purchased from local collectors. If you are interested in becoming a…
Subscribe to Reforestation News.Past newslettersRead news from the Reforestation Program.Previously, a newsletter called Nursery News provided reforestation updates, tips and technical updates for successful tree planting. See past issues below.
Attention 4th grade teachers: Free tree seedling ordering for Arbor Day 2025 is open. Online ordering for tree and shrub seedlings is no longer available. All orders must now be placed with the 2025 Tree and Shrub Application form. Please send the…
The inclusion or exclusion of a nursery on this list is not meant to be an endorsement or condemnation by the Department. This list of private nurseries serving Wisconsin and distributing seedlings for reforestation and conservation planting…
Through "Give a Gift of Green" you can purchase quality nursery stock through our Reforestation Program to give to another person to plant on his or her land. Your thoughtfulness will plant a legacy for the future and will contribute towards a…
When are tree and shrub applications accepted? All seedling applications are accepted the first Monday in October, for planting the following spring. Species are available until the inventories are sold out or the completion of lifting and…