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Ordering Tree and Shrub Seedlings

Attention 4th grade teachers: Free tree seedling ordering for Arbor Day 2025 is open.

Online ordering for tree and shrub seedlings is no longer available. All orders must now be placed with the 2025 Tree and Shrub Application form. Please send the completed application, along with payment, to the Griffith State Nursery.

Please contact Carey Skerven with any questions.

Check the seedling inventory for current species in stock. See the stock descriptions for seedling sizes. If a desired species is unavailable through the state nursery, you may wish to contact a private nursery.

You can place an order online or with a paper form. Mail or email all completed paper forms to Carey Skerven.

Your invoice will be emailed or mailed to you after you place a seedling order per your request on the application. If you elected to receive your invoice via email, please add to your email account's address book to ensure the email reaches your inbox.


The tables below show seedling pricing for the 2025 ordering season by species and quantity.


Conifer Pricing by Species and Quantity
Species Seedling Age (years) Price per 100 Counted Graded Price per 100 Uncounted Bulk
  100 to 400
same species
500 to 2,900
same species
same species
same species
Cedar, White (Thuja occidentalis) 3 $60.60 $44.90 $30.10 $24.70
Fir, Balsam (Abies balsamea) 3 $60.60 $44.90 $30.10  
Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) 3 $60.60 $44.90 $30.10  
Pine, Jack (Pinus banksiana) 1 $31.40 $23.30 $18.20 $16.00
2 $52.40 $38.90 $21.30 $18.70
Pine, Red (Pinus resinosa) 2 $52.40 $38.90 $21.30 $18.70
3 $60.60 $44.90 $30.10 $24.70
Pine, White (Pinus strobus) 2 $52.40 $38.90 $21.30 $18.70
3 $60.60 $44.90 $30.10 $24.70
Spruce, Black (Picea mariana) 2 $52.40 $38.90 $21.30 $18.70
3 $60.60 $44.90 $30.10 $24.70
Spruce, White (Picea glauca)
Improved seed source
2 $52.40 $38.90 $21.30 $18.70
3 $60.60 $44.90 $30.10 $24.70
Tamarack (Larix laricina) 2 $52.40 $38.90 $21.30 $18.70


Hardwood Pricing by Species and Quantity
Species Seedling Age (years) Price per 100 Counted Graded Price per 100 Uncounted Bulk
  100 to 400
same species
500 to 2,900
same species
same species
same species
Aspen (Populus spp.) Seedling $104.40 $77.30 $64.40  
Birch, River (Betula nigra) 2 $104.40 $77.30 $64.40 $58.40
Birch, Yellow (Betula alleghaniensis) 2 $104.40 $77.30 $64.40  
Cherry, Black (Prunus serotina) 1 $85.10 $63.10 $44.90 $41.50
2 $104.40 $77.30 $64.40 $58.40
Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis) 1 $85.10 $63.10 $44.90 $41.50
2 $104.40 $77.30 $64.40 $58.40
Maple, Silver (Acer saccharinum) 1 $85.10 $63.10 $44.90 $41.50
Maple, Sugar (Acer saccharum) 2 $104.40 $77.30 $64.40 $58.40
Oak, Bur (Quercus macrocarpa) 2 $104.40 $77.30 $64.40 $58.40
Oak, Red (Quercus rubra) 1 $85.10 $63.10 $44.90 $41.50
2 $104.40 $77.30 $64.40 $58.40
Oak, Southern Pin (Quercus palustris) 1 $85.10 $63.10 $44.90 $41.50
Oak, Swamp White (Quercus bicolor) 1 $85.10 $63.10 $44.90 $41.50
2 $104.40 $77.30 $64.40 $58.40
Oak, White (Quercus alba) 1 $85.10 $63.10 $44.90 $41.50
2 $104.40 $77.30 $64.40 $58.40
Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) 1 $85.10 $63.10 $44.90 $41.50
2 $104.40 $77.30 $64.40 $58.40
Walnut, Black (Juglans nigra) Seedling $104.40 $77.30 $64.40  

Wildlife Shrubs

Wildlife Shrub Pricing by Species and Quantity
Species Seedling Age (years) Price per 100 Counted Graded Price per 100 Uncounted Bulk
  100 to 400
same species
500 to 2,900
same species
same species
same species
Cranberry, Highbush American (Viburnum trilobum) Seedling $114.00 $91.80 $68.00  
Dogwood, Silky (Cornus amomum) Seedling $94.00 $71.80 $48.00  
Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) Seedling $114.00 $91.80 $68.00  
Hazelnut, American (Corylus americana) Seedling $94.00 $71.80 $48.00  
Plum, American (Prunus americana) Seedling $94.00 $71.80 $48.00  

Ordering Notes

  • For a successful tree planting experience, please seek professional advice from your local DNR forester or private consultant forester to develop a tree planting plan which will address species selection, site preparation needs, cost share programs available, tree planter rental options, information on forest tax law programs and other forest management topics.
  • A minimum order is a packet of 300 trees or shrubs (you select the species for your packet in increments of 100), 500 shrubs or 1,000 trees. Orders of 100 to 400 seedlings must be purchased in lots of 100 seedlings of the same species. To receive a price reduction for larger orders of 500 to 2,900, you must purchase a minimum of 500 seedlings of the same species; for orders of 3,000 or more, you must purchase a minimum of 3,000 seedlings of the same species.
  • An uncounted bulk order consists of at least 3,000 trees of one species and age. (Exception: uncounted orders are not accepted for certain species.)
  • Optional DNR Reforestation Program shipping is available at $7.00 (for 300 to 1,000 seedlings) or $0.70 per 100 (for 1,000 or more seedlings). No shipping refunds after March 15.
  • A 5.5% sales tax must be added to the total nursery order. Seedlings used for silviculture purposes may be tax exempt. If you believe your order is tax exempt, please complete Department of Revenue Form 211.