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  • Hearing/Meeting

    Wildlife Rehabilitation Advisory Committee Meeting

    The Wildlife Rehabilitation Advisory Committee will meet to discuss wildlife rehabilitation and SARS-CoV-2, and potential outreach ideas to humane officers, veterinarians and the public.

  • Webpage


    You know about the millions of photos collected by Snapshot Wisconsin, but how does this photo data make an impact on the species captured in those photos? Wisconsin DNR research scientists Jen Stenglein and Glenn Stauffer talk about how Snapshot…

  • News

    DNR Research Scientist Named Fisheries Biologist Of The Year

    The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is pleased to announce that Coldwater Fisheries Research Scientist, Dr. Matthew Mitro, was awarded Fisheries Biologist of the Year by the Midwest Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (MAFWA) at their annual meeting earlier this year.

  • Webpage

    November 2022 - Field Notes Newsletter

    The research team has another analysis ready to share. Dr.

  • News

    2022 Sustainability And Business Support Report Released

    The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR)’s Sustainability and Business Support (SBS) program today announced the release of its 2022 report highlighting the department’s free, non-regulatory services that support Wisconsin’s businesses and local governments wherever they are on the path to sustainability.

  • Webpage

    Snapshot Wisconsin June 2022

    Snapshot Wisconsin’s volunteers are passionate about wildlife monitoring and natural resources management, so it’s no wonder they want to share that excitement with the world. However, that excitement is sometimes lost on others, so the Snapshot…

  • Webpage

    April 2022

    The Southwest Wisconsin CWD, Deer and Predator Study (SW CWD Study) is still

  • Webpage

    Snapshot Wisconsin March 2022

    Collaboration is a recurring element in the Snapshot Wisconsin program. Snapshot has worked with NASA and UW-Madison for most of the program’s life. Snapshot collaborates with thousands of volunteers to host trail cameras, and Snapshot teams up with…

  • Webpage

    Snapshot Wisconsin January 2022

    What do funny cat videos, fail videos on Facebook and memes all have in common? Well, they make us laugh. This edition of the Snapshot Wisconsin newsletter is themed around the intersection of humor and science. Humor is a powerful glue that…

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Laboratory Certification Standards Review Council Quarterly Meeting

    This is a regular meeting of the Laboratory Certification Standards Review Council.

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