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  • Hearing/Meeting

    Council on Recycling

    Agenda topics for the council include the election of officers, DNR and legislative updates, recycling and solid waste proposals in the Governor's budget, the follow-up to Legislative Audit Bureau review of the recycling program, plastics…

  • News

    Celebrating America Recycles Day: DNR Recycling Excellence Awards Honors Wisconsin Recyclers

    The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) congratulates 15 recycling programs for winning a 2020 Wisconsin Recycling Excellence Award. The winners are a mix of businesses, nonprofits and local governments.

  • News

    Recycling Excellence Award Nominations Now Open

    The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is accepting nominations for the 2020 Recycling Excellence Awards until Sept. 15.

  • Webpage

    Recycling education and outreach

    The DNR and its recycling program partners have many resources for a variety of audiences. Learn how reducing, reusing and recycling can help you, your community, your business and the environment by saving money, energy and natural resources.…

  • Webpage

    Compost use, quality and marketing

    Marketing compost and achieving the compost quality needed for specific uses are important considerations for a composting facility owner. It's essential to identify the target market, ensure an appropriate compost quality and develop a suitable…

  • Webpage

    Wisconsin Recycling and Solid Waste Studies and Reports

    Since Wisconsin's recycling law took effect in the mid-1990s, the DNR has used annual reports and surveys to monitor the progress and success of Wisconsin's recycling efforts. These reports and surveys come from local government responsible unit…

  • Webpage

    Annual reports for responsible units and materials recovery facilities

    Both recycling responsible units (RUs) and materials recovery facilities (MRFs) must submit annual reports to the DNR covering activities for the previous calendar year. Visit Wisconsin recycling studies and reports for data from previous reports.

  • Webpage

    Composting rules and regulations in Wisconsin

    Wisconsin’s composting rules include basic operating and location requirements to prevent composting from becoming a nuisance to neighbors and to ensure nutrients are not released to groundwater or nearby lakes and streams. The rules require most…

  • Webpage

    Recycling motor oil, oil filters and other automotive products

    In Wisconsin, motor oil and used oil filters are banned from landfills. Motor oil and automotive products Environmental impacts of motor oil and other automotive products Potential environmental impacts of motor oil, antifreeze, parts cleaners…

  • Webpage

    Wisconsin's waste reduction and recycling law

    The solid waste reduction, recovery and recycling law was enacted to promote the development of waste management structures and encourage reduction, reuse and recycling of Wisconsin’s solid waste. When the law passed in 1990, only about 17 percent…

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