Yahara Fishing Club members will provide fishing instruction, and free lunch will be served.
Come out to Puckett’s Pond for a fun day of fishing!
Cops-N-Bobbers®, a family event sponsored by the Portage County Deputy Sheriffs Association and the Stevens Point Police Officer’s Association, in collaboration with the Stevens Point Elks Lodge 641.
Learn about casting, live baits, artificial baits, fish cleaning, taxidermy, fish identification, invasive species, first aid and boating safety and play fishing games.
Kiwanis Lions Club members encourage boys and girls to spend the day fishing with their parents or guardians.
Join the Hallie Optimist Club at this youth fishing event, a 20-year tradition for the club.
A Thursday afternoon fishing clinic with certified angler education instructor Roy Allsup.
A Thursday afternoon fishing clinic with certified angler education instructor Roy Allsup.
For kids ages 4-12 accompanied by an adult. No pre-registration required. Learn about lure selection, casting, bait selection, fly tying, ecology, catch-and-release and fish cleaning. Family of four with a $10 donation will receive two fishing…