Look for the Fishmobile in Mitchell Park this summer and meet up with our partners for free fishing clinics on Wednesday evenings from 4-7 p.m.
Look for the Fishmobile this summer and meet up with our partners for free fishing clinics on Tuesday evenings from 4 - 7 p.m.
Join the DNR's Fishmobile crew in helping the United States Fish and Wildlife Service celebrate 100 years on the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge.
“Gyotaku” (guy-yo-tah-koo) or ink fish printing was originally a method of counting how many fish a fisher caught.
Meet up with the Fishmobile, the DNR's Fishing in the Neighborhood Interns — the FiN'terns and Angler Education Volunteers and learn to fish.
Meet up with the Fishmobile, Angler Education Volunteers and the DNR's Fishing in the Neighborhood Interns — the FiN'terns — in Milwaukee and learn to fish.
Meet up with the Fishmobile, the DNR's Fishing in the Neighborhood Interns — the FiN'terns and Angler Education Volunteers and learn to fish.