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Environmental Protection

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    Wisconsin water withdrawals

    Every year, all registered high capacity property owners are required to submit monthly water use (withdrawal) totals to the DNR. Statewide, there are over 14,000 registered high capacity withdrawal sources including over 13,000 groundwater and 1,…

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    Great Lakes Compact and diversions

    The Great Lakes Compact is a formal agreement between the Great Lakes states which details how the states will work together to manage and protect the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin. A parallel agreement (the Sustainable Water Resources…

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    Aquatic Communities

    Wisconsin has a large and diverse aquatic resource that supports numerous species, communities, ecological processes and human uses. In addition, many terrestrial species and processes are dependent on neighboring aquatic systems. The aquatic…

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    Managing Wisconsin’s Rivers

    Under state and federal law, the DNR conducts water planning and master planning for natural areas and forests, implements regulations and secures special designations to protect, maintain or restore river resources. Designation of Wild Rivers…

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