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    How to renew your ATV or UTV registration

    After you have registered your ATV or UTV for the first time, renewing your registration is a simple process, and can even be done completed online.

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    Nonresident ATV and UTV Trail Passes

    When bringing an ATV or UTV into Wisconsin from their home state, a nonresident can operate their ATV or UTV on designated ATV/UTV corridors and frozen waterways with either a nonresident ATV/UTV trail pass affixed to the ATV/UTV or a valid…

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    All-terrain vehicle (ATV) and utility-terrain vehicle (UTV) registration

    The Wisconsin DNR provides registration services for ATVs and UTVs. Only those ATVs and UTVs that meet statutory definitions can be registered and used on public trails. There are many sizes of ATVs and UTVs available for purchase, but not all of…

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    How to renew your off-highway motorcycle (OHM) registration

    After you have registered your off-highway motorcycle for the first time, renewing your off-highway motorcycle registration is a simple process, and can even be done completely online.

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    Off-highway motorcycle registration and general information

    The Wisconsin DNR provides registration services for off-highway motorcycles. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation issues titles and/or registration (license plates) for highway use of motorcycles.

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    Registration for boats and off-highway recreational vehicles

    The Wisconsin DNR provides registration services for boats, all terrain vehicles, utility terrain vehicles, snowmobiles and off-highway motorcycles. The Wisconsin WI Department of Transportation issues titles and/or registration (license plates) for…

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    Storm water runoff regulation

    Congress amended the federal Clean Water Act in 1987 to control storm water pollution. In 1990, federal regulations required owners of storm water pollution sources, including many industries, municipalities and construction sites, to have National…

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    Summary of SIC codes required to apply for an industrial storm water permit

    This is a summary from Subchapter II of NR 216, Wis. Adm. Code. Refer to NR 216 for additional information on Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes. (2) CATEGORIES. This subchapter applies to discharges originating from industrial…

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    Industrial storm water permit overview

    Learn more about the different types of industrial storm water permits and requirements.Tier 1 and Tier 2 industrial facilitiesNatural Resources Chapter 216, Wis. Adm. Code, (NR 216) lists certain types of industries in the state that need to obtain…

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    Industrial storm water permit no-exposure facilities

    No exposure means all industrial materials and activities at a facility are protected by a storm-resistant shelter to prevent exposure to rain, snow, snowmelt and/or runoff.

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