In an effort to limit the introduction and spread of invasive species in Wisconsin, the DNR created Wisconsin's Invasive Species Identification, Classification and Control Rule, Chapter NR 40, Wis. Adm. Code, in 2009. With certain exceptions, it is…
Removing lead service lines (LSLs) is one way to minimize the potential for lead to get into your drinking water. The Wisconsin DNR Bureau of Drinking Water and Groundwater provides information regarding the concerns of lead in drinking water.
Street Policy FinalizedThe Environmental Loans’ Street Reconstruction Cost Policy Paper, which was created to consistently apply the cost eligibility requirements in chs. NR 162.04 and NR 166.07, Wis. Adm. Code, was finalized in May 2024. The…
The snowmobile trail pass fee is dependent upon whether the snowmobile for which you are purchasing the trail pass is registered in Wisconsin and whether the owner of that snowmobile is a member of a snowmobile club that is affiliated with and…
After you have registered your snowmobile for the first time, renewing your snowmobile registration is a simple process, and can even be done completely online.
Snowmobile Registration Application Form 9400-210 --> The Wisconsin DNR provides registration services for snowmobiles. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation issues titles and/or registration (license plates) for some trailers.
It is important the department has your updated address on file so you receive registration renewal notices and other registration materials sent by the Department. State law requires boat owners to notify the department within 15 days after moving…