Learn about Wautoma area fisheries updates from DNR senior fisheries biologist Scott Bunde.
Learn about trout habitat management in northeast Wisconsin from Jonathan Pyatskowit, DNR fisheries habitat specialist, and Kyle Kossel, DNR habitat technician.
Learn about the history and status of lake sturgeon and walleye management in the Winnebago System from DNR senior fisheries biologists Margaret Stadig and Angelo Cozzola.
Learn about walleye management in Florence and Forest counties from DNR senior fisheries biologist Greg Matzke.
The Groundwater Coordination Council (GCC) meets quarterly to discuss issues of interest and make decisions regarding groundwater issues of concern.
The Groundwater Coordination Council (GCC) meets quarterly to discuss issues of interest and make decisions regarding groundwater issues of concern.
The Groundwater Coordination Council (GCC) meets quarterly to discuss issues of interest and make decisions regarding groundwater issues of concern.
The group serves as a forum to provide an avenue for communication with the well drilling industry.
The Wetland Study Council will meet to discuss integrated watershed management, wetland general permit issuances and other wetland topics as time and interest allow.
The Groundwater Coordination Council (GCC) meets quarterly to discuss issues of interest and make decisions regarding groundwater issues of concern.