The Wetland Study Council will meet to discuss integrated watershed management, wetland general permit issuances and other wetland topics as time and interest allow.
The Council on Forestry will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 19 to discuss committee updates and forestry topics.
This is a regular meeting (quarterly) of the Laboratory Certification Standard Review Council.
The DNR Bear Advisory Committee, a diverse group representing government agencies, non-governmental organizations, tribal interests and conservation groups, meets to discuss issues relating to bear management.
The DNR Bear Advisory Committee, a diverse group representing government agencies, non-governmental organizations, tribal interests and conservation groups, meets to discuss issues relating to bear management.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will host two identical public meetings to present information and gather feedback on the future management of smallmouth bass in Green Bay and northern Lake Michigan.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will host two identical public meetings to present information and gather feedback on the future management of smallmouth bass in Green Bay and northern Lake Michigan.
The Private Water Advisory Council (PWAC) was established by the DNR's Private Drinking Water section of the drinking water and groundwater (DG) program.
The Lake Michigan Commercial Fishing Board will meet to discuss information and issues relevant to commercial fishing on Lake Michigan and Green Bay.
The Greater Prairie-Chicken Advisory Committee will meet to share updates on progress made toward accomplishing the goals and objectives of the 2022-2032 Greater Prairie-Chicken Management Plan and discuss ongoing grassland habitat management.