Contact: DNR Office of Communications
ATV/UTV Riders: Ride Safe And Sober

EDITOR'S NOTE: The previous release issued on this topic earlier today noted that 26 people have died in fatal ATV/UTV accidents so far this year. The number has increased to 27.
MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) urges ATV/UTV operators to ride safely. That means wearing a helmet and seatbelt, staying sober and following posted regulatory signs on roadways.
Twenty-seven people have died in fatal ATV/UTV accidents so far this year, ranging in age from 4-79 years old. Five of those fatalities took place within the past two weeks.
Crashes can happen to anyone. To reduce the risk of a crash or fatal incident, operators and passengers should always follow basic off-road vehicle safety rules, including riding sober and wearing a helmet on ATVs/UTVs and a seatbelt on UTVs.
At least 18 of the ATV/UTV victims this year were not wearing a helmet, and over half of the UTV victims were not wearing a seatbelt.
Anyone under the age of 18 is required by law to wear a helmet on an ATV or UTV, whether they’re driving the machine or riding as a passenger. All passengers, regardless of age, must wear a seatbelt when riding in a UTV.
It’s also important to follow regulatory signs on road routes, including stop signs and speed limits, and the machine's occupancy rules.
Over half of fatal crashes this year have occurred on roadways, including on public roads closed to ATV/UTV traffic, and vehicle occupancy was exceeded in several crashes.
More DNR conservation wardens and local law enforcement will be on trails and routes statewide Sept. 6-8 for an additional Think Smart Before You Start campaign to increase safety for all.
One of the best things ATV and UTV operators can do to operate safely is to take an online safety course. A list of approved safety education classes is available on the DNR’s Safety Education webpage.
Wisconsin law requires every operator involved in a crash incident to report the incident without delay to law enforcement officials. In addition, within 10 days of the incident, the operator must submit a written report to the DNR.
For more information on ATV and UTV recreation in Wisconsin, visit the DNR’s ATV/UTV Riding in Wisconsin webpage.