Contact: Scott Karel, DNR Hunting Rules and Regulations Specialist or 608-206-0222
DNR Announces Changes To 2022 Hunting Season
Hunting And Trapping Regulations Now Available Online

MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced the 2022 combined Wisconsin Hunting Regulations pamphlet is now available online and will soon be available at license agents and open service centers around the state.
As in previous years, the combined regulations pamphlet brings season dates, shooting hours and regulations together in one convenient document. The 2022 Wisconsin Trapping Regulations are also available online and will also soon be available in print across the state.
This year, there are some changes to the regulations for open-water waterfowl hunting. Hunters may now hunt in the open waters of the Great Lakes, Green Bay and Big Green Lake as long as they are a minimum distance of 500 feet from shore.
In addition, the 2022-23 squirrel season will now close on Feb. 28, 2023, instead of the last day of January.
Deer hunters throughout the state will have their first opportunity to enjoy the woods with the opening of the 2022 archery and crossbow deer seasons, which run concurrently statewide from Sept. 17 to Jan. 8, 2023. The archery and crossbow seasons are extended to Jan. 31, 2023, in metro sub-units. Many counties will offer the antlerless-only holiday hunt between the Christmas and New Year holidays.
Bonus antlerless deer harvest authorizations are still available for purchase in some counties. Check the DNR website for availability.
The 2022 deer season schedule is as follows:
- Gun Hunt For Hunters With Disabilities: Oct. 1-9
- Youth Deer Hunt: Oct. 8-9
- Gun Deer Hunt: Nov. 19-27
- Muzzleloader: Nov. 28-Dec. 7
- Statewide Antlerless Hunt: Dec. 8-11
- Farmland Zone Holiday Hunt: Dec. 24-Jan. 1, 2023
The hunting regulations pamphlet summarizes Wisconsin’s hunting laws most relevant to hunters. For additional hunting and trapping laws, consult Wisconsin State Statutes chapter 29 or consult chapter 10 of the Administrative Code of the DNR.
For more information on hunting in Wisconsin, visit the DNR website.