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Contact: Elaine Zautke, Lakeshore State Park Property Manager 

DNR To Conduct Prescribed Burn Operations At Lakeshore State Park

Burn Window Of March 31 Through April 9

An aerial view of Lakeshore State Park on the shore of Lake Michigan with the city of Milwaukee in the background. The DNR will be conducting prescribed burning operations at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee County. Photo credit: Wisconsin DNR

MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is conducting prescribed burning operations at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee County with an anticipated burn window of Monday, March 31 through Wednesday, April 9, 2025.

The burn will require a property closure of Lakeshore State Park for a single day within this range. It may be adjusted based on weather conditions. The exact date will be posted on the DNR's Lakeshore State Park webpage and the Friends of Lakeshore State Park's social media pages.

Prescribed burns support healthy ecosystems for a variety of plants and animals in Wisconsin. These burns mimic the benefits historic fire once provided but occur under a safer "prescription" range of weather and fuel conditions (compared to most wildfires). Historically, periodic fires (either lightning or through management by Indigenous communities) would remove the dead vegetation while stimulating native plant growth. 

Following the burn, hazardous fuels are reduced, foraging and nesting improve in the revitalized vegetation and the stimulated growth of their root systems enhances their ability to store more carbon. Prescribed burns can also reduce the prevalence of non-native or invasive plant species.

"The prescribed burn will enhance the prairie habitat utilized by a number of bird and insect species, along with reducing runoff and improving native prairie success," said Elaine Zautke, Lakeshore State Park property manager. "Following the burn, additional native seeding and plant installations will occur this summer, further improving the prairie."

When conducting prescribed burns near roads or recreational trails, the DNR will post signs to notify the public. For your safety, we ask you to please avoid these areas while the burn is being conducted. The DNR also notifies local law enforcement and fire officials in advance about when and where DNR prescribed burns will occur.

More information about DNR prescribed fire operations is available on the DNR's Prescribed Fire webpage. To view historic burns and track the status of current and planned (24 hours in advance) burns on DNR lands, visit the DNR's Prescribed Burn Dashboard.

To learn more about the benefits of prescribed burns and take a guided tour of the project, attend an informative hike on Saturday, April 19, 2025, at Lakeshore State Park. Information about the hike will be posted on the DNR’s Events Calendar.