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Events Between
Volunteer Event

Friends Group Garlic Mustard Pull-A-Thon

Help remove garlic mustard from the Haskell Noyes State Natural Area!

 Kettle Moraine State Forest - Northern Unit
Parks Event

Habitat Helpers—Garlic Mustard Pull-A-Thon

Volunteers will assist with removing garlic mustard and dame's rocket from various areas…

 Havenwoods State Forest
Stewardship Event

In-Person Rare Plant Monitoring Program Volunteer Training

The Wisconsin Rare Plant Monitoring Program gives plant enthusiasts an opportunity to conduct…

 Cable Natural History Museum
Parks Event

Friends Of Sandhill Open House

This year, we're talking all things white-tailed deer. After a deer ecology talk, we'll go into…

 Sandhill Wildlife Area
State Forests Event

Open Crafting

Grab your project and meet up with fellow crafters at the Havenwoods State Forest Nature Center…

 Havenwoods State Forest
Parks Event

Ice Age Legacy

Join us on the second Saturday of the month from April to November to discover the Ice Age…

 Kettle Moraine State Forest - Northern Unit
Outdoor Recreation Event

Know Your Nature

From our sense of touch, sight and even smell, we use our senses to be inspired and connect to…

 Devil's Lake State Park
Parks Event

Spring Candlelight Hike

Spring is a great time to get outdoors at night to hear frogs, see stars, and take in the…

 Kohler-Andrae State Park
Parks Event

Discovery Bird Walk

Meet Master Naturalists Janet & Andy Raddatz to observe birds and nature in the park.

 Kohler-Andrae State Park
Volunteer Event

Friends Group Garlic Mustard Pull-A-Thon

Help remove garlic mustard from the Haskell Noyes State Natural Area!

 Kettle Moraine State Forest - Northern Unit
Volunteer Event

Friends Group Garlic Mustard Pull-A-Thon

Help remove garlic mustard from the Haskell Noyes State Natural Area!

 Kettle Moraine State Forest - Northern Unit
Parks Event

Learn to Knot Tie

Join us for an introduction to tying knots that come in handy while recreating in the outdoors!

 Henry S. Reuss Ice Age Visitor Center - Kettle Moraine State Forest - Northern Unit