The forest has become a kaleidoscope of colors. Join us as we wander the forest and learn why…
Grab your project and meet up with fellow crafters at the Havenwoods State Forest Nature Center…
Join us on the second Saturday of the month from April to November to discover the Ice Age…
Listen to the autumn night sounds and search for stars as you enjoy a self-guided walk on torch…
Help us maintain and keep improving on the native biodiversity of our Naturalist’s Backyard and…
Join the natural resource educator for an out-and-back hike while learning about the geological…
Join our staff to help remove invasive plants and keep the property beautiful for all to enjoy…
Join us on the Whispering Pines Trails for a fun hike.
Ever wanted to see a turtle eat? Or see a snake up close? Come visit the animals as they eat…
The Northern Cross Science Foundation educators and their impressive telescopes will be waiting…