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Kettle Moraine State Forest - Northern Unit

Kettle Moraine State Forest - Northern Unit


The Kettle Moraine Northern Unit is comprised of about 30,000 acres stretching 30 miles across Sheboygan, Fond du Lac and Washington Counties. The forest is managed for multiple use, including recreation management, sustainable forest products, water quality and soil protection, terrestrial and aquatic wildlife, native biological diversity and aesthetics.

  • Event

    All Things Maple Exploring Nature Program


    Discover what kinds of maples grow in Wisconsin and how to identify them.

  • Event

    Storytime: Rowdy Red-Wings


    Look! The red-winged blackbirds are back! Spring must not be too far away.

  • Event

    Storytime: Scampering Squirrels


    Squirrels of all kinds scamper through our forests and backyards.

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    Snowshoe Adventure Exploring Nature Program


    Learn the ancient skill of snowshoeing and then venture along the trails at Greenbush.

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    Winter Star Gazing


    Look through a telescope or binoculars to bring into focus the wonders of the night sky.

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    Candlelight Ski and Hike


    Join us for a magical candlelight ski or hike at the Zillmer Trail system: a 1.2-mile luminary-lit loop on the Brown Trail.

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    Storytime: Winter Sleepers


    Who's sleeping away winter? Discover what animals sleep through the cold and snow of winter and why they do it.

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    Storytime: Silent Snowflakes


    Come for some snowy fun! We will count the sides of a snowflake, make our own, and go play in the millions of piled-up snowflakes.

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    Ice Age Legacy


    With leafless trees and snow-covered hills, the glacial landforms pop on the landscape.

  • Event

    Full Moon Winterfest


    Join the Northern Kettle Moraine Nordic Ski Club for an evening of winter fun for the family at Greenbush Recreation Area.

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