Parks_Topic Contact_Council Grounds
- Email: Council Grounds State Park
- Phone: tel:+1-715-536-8773
Native American encampments once occupied the site of Council Grounds State Park. Located along the Wisconsin River and Lake Alexander, this park is a favorite for water enthusiasts. This 508-acre park also offers camping, hiking, hunting and fishing opportunities.
Website: Council Grounds State Park
County: Lincoln
N1895 Council Grounds Dr.
Merrill, WI 54452
United States
Kick off the new year with a self-guided 1-mile hike on a fairly flat trail or a staff-guided winter tree identification walk at noon.
Join us for a fall candlelight walk on the Big Pines Trail!
Be a Friend For a Day! Join the Friends of Council Grounds State Park and park staff for some spring cleaning.
Volunteers are needed for a morning of work and fun as we get the park ready for summer.