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Tuesday April 27

Environmental Protection | Recreation | Outdoor Recreation

Nonmotorized Recreation and Transportation Trails Council special meeting

Date: 04/27/2021

Time: 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Location: Virtual


Drew Hanson, or 608-977-0400


The Nonmotorized Recreation and Transportation Trails Council (NRTTC) carries out studies and provides advice and consultation to the legislature, governor, Department of Natural Resources and Department of Transportation on all matters related to nonmotorized recreation and transportation trails, including trail planning, acquisition, development, maintenance and management. At this meeting, the NRTTC will discuss a position statement regarding four items in Governor’s proposed budget and presentation at a listening session on April 28: Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program reauthorization, maintenance funding for Ice Age Trail and North Country Trail, Complete Streets, and the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). The Council may or may not take action on a formal recommendation.

Join this meeting by Zoom.

Join this meeting via phone by calling 312-626-6799; Meeting ID: 863 4414 7064

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