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Friday May 19

Permit | Wetlands

Wetland General Permit 1 Reissuance - Residential, Commercial and Industrial Development

Date: 05/19/2023

Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual


Ryan Pappas, or 715-492-0200


The DNR has prepared a draft re-issuance of GP1, the statewide general permit for wetland impacts associated with residential, commercial and industrial development.

The proposed permit has specific eligibility criteria, including the project purpose and need, size of impact, and potential environmental resources that can be impacted, among other things. Once in place, the permit will be valid for five years and will allow members of the public to apply for coverage under the permit if the project meets all eligibility criteria and conditions. The DNR also proposes an update to the GP1 surcharge fee per authority in s. 281.36 (11) (a), Wis. Stats.

To help in the planning process, please consider sharing your intention to participate in this hearing. You are not required to complete this survey to participate, but it will help the planning process.

See Wetlands for the draft permit and further information.

Join on Zoom.
ID 862 2093 8171; Passcode 810207#

Join by phone: 312-626-6799

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