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February 2014 agenda and meeting materials

Wisconsin Natural Resources Board

Since the posting of this agenda, the following has changed:
3.A.4. Corrected

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Natural Resources Board will convene at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, February 26, 2014, in Room G09, State Natural Resources Building (GEF 2), 101 South Webster Street, Madison, Wisconsin. The Board will act on items 1-3 and 6-7 as listed on the Agenda.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at approximately 11:45 a.m., the Natural Resources Board will meet in closed session in conference room 813, State Natural Resources Building (GEF 2), 101 South Webster Street, Madison, Wisconsin under the authority of s.19.85(1)(g) Wisconsin Statutes for purposes of discussing litigation matters.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that matters concerning natural resource issues or the Department's program responsibilities or operations specified in the Wisconsin Statutes, which arise after publication of this agenda may be added to the agenda and publicly noticed no less than two hours before the scheduled board meeting, if the Board Chair determines that the matter is urgent.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014: Order of Business

  1. Organizational Matters
    1. Calling the roll
    2. Approval of February 2014 NRB agenda
    3. Approval of January 2014 NRB brief of action (PDF)
  2. Ratification of Acts of the DNR Secretary
    1. February 2014 DNR Real Estate Transactions (PDF)
  3. Action Items
    1. Air, Waste, Water, and Enforcement
      1. Presentation of the 2014 Registered Laboratory of the Year Award (PDF)
      2. Approval request: DNR recommendations for the FY 2015 Laboratory Certification and Registration Program Fee Adjustment (PDF) Citizen Testimony Welcome
      3. Board Order DG-02-13 adoption request: proposed rules for heat exchange drilling, to create a drilling license with requirements for heat exchange authorization and construction standards for heat exchange drilling. The proposed action implements 2011 Wisconsin Act 150 modifying Chapter 280, Wisconsin Statutes (PDF) Citizen Testimony Welcome
      4. Board Order DG-03-13 adoption request: proposed rules for inspections of water systems at time of property transfer, licensing of filling and sealing contractors, well inspectors and water well drilling rig operators, and citations for violations related to drilling and pump installing to protect public health and groundwater (PDF) Citizen Testimony Welcome. Corrected: see page 1 of PDF for details.
      5. Board Order WT-13-12 public hearing request: proposed rules affecting chapters NR 200, 201, 203, and 205 relating to the administration of the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permit program regulating wastewater discharges (PDF)
    2. Land Management, Recreation, Fisheries, and Wildlife
      1. Board Order FH-26-12 adoption request: proposed rules affecting chapter NR 25 related to lake trout harvest limits on Lake Superior (PDF) Citizen Testimony Welcome
      2. Board Order WM-21-13 adoption request: proposed rules that prohibit firearm discharge across trails and require dog-proof traps on State Park properties, eliminate unique state park turkey hunting units because they are no longer needed, and clean up chs. NR 10 and 45 to reflect previous Board determinations (December 2012) under Wis. Act 168 (PDF) Citizen Testimony Welcome
      3. Board Order FR-07-12 public hearing request: proposed rules affecting chapter NR 47.65 related to a county forest time standards grant, which would allow county forests additional flexibility in selecting the optimal combination of resources provided by the DNR (PDF)
      4. Approval request: DNR recommendation to issue a Stewardship grant that will prohibit at least one nature-based outdoor activity (NBOA) on non-DNR land: City of Madison, Dane County (PDF) Citizen Testimony Welcome
      5. Approval request: DNR recommendation to issue a Stewardship grant that will prohibit at least one nature-based outdoor activity (NBOA) on non-DNR land: City of Eau Claire, Eau Claire County (PDF) Citizen Testimony Welcome
      6. Approval request: DNR recommendation to issue a Stewardship grant that will prohibit at least one nature-based outdoor activity (NBOA) on non-DNR land: City of Racine, Racine County (PDF) Citizen Testimony Welcome Moved from January 2014 agenda
      7. Land Donation: Lower Chippewa River State Natural Area – Dunn County (PDF) Citizen Testimony Welcome
    3. Scope Statements
      1. Board Order AM-18-13 scope statement approval request and conditional approval of the public hearing notice and notice of submittal of proposed rules to the Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse: proposed rules affecting chapters NR 422, 423, 439, and 484 related to volatile organic compound control regulations for lithographic printing (PDF) Citizen Testimony Welcome
      2. Board Order AM-32-13 scope statement approval request and conditional approval of the public hearing notice and notice of submittal of proposed rules to the Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse: proposed rules potentially affecting chapters NR 400 to 439, 445, and 484 to 499 related to reporting, monitoring, and record keeping requirements for stationary source owner or operators, and additional changes of a clarifying or clean-up nature (PDF) Citizen Testimony Welcome
      3. Board Order WY-23-13 scope statement approval request and conditional approval of the public hearing notice and notice of submittal of proposed rules to the Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse: proposed rules affecting chapter NR 102 related to processes for water body assessments and impaired waters listing, biological criteria for water quality standards, and biological confirmation of phosphorus impairments (PDF) Citizen Testimony Welcome
      4. Board Order WY-25-13 scope statement approval request and conditional approval of the public hearing notice and notice of submittal of proposed rules to the Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse: proposed rules affecting chapters NR 102, 104, and 105 related to surface water designated uses, associated water quality criteria, variance waters and qualifying factors for variances based on economic impacts (PDF) Citizen Testimony Welcome
  4. Citizen Participation - 11:30 a.m. (If time permits, the following agenda items may come before the Board prior to Citizen Participation: 5. Information Items; 6. DNR Secretary’s Matters; and 7. Board Members’ Matters)
    1. Citizen Participation
      Citizen participation means citizen appearances on any topic not listed on this month's agenda. Information on how to register to speak is on the Board public participation web page.
  5. Information Items
    1. Air, Waste, Water, and Enforcement
    2. Land Management, Recreation, Fisheries, and Wildlife
  6. DNR Secretary's Matters
    1. February 2014 DNR Retirement Resolutions (PDF)
      1. James Buchholz
      2. Debra Burgau
      3. Terry Fluger
      4. William Gantz
      5. Fredrick Hagstrom
      6. Dr. William Horns
      7. Kevin Huggins
      8. Mary Singsime
      9. Fred Strand
    2. Donations - Citizen testimony welcome
      1. The Green Bay Packers with support from sponsors SCA and Green Bay Packaging will donate $32,000 to be used to support the “First Downs for Trees” program (PDF)
      2. The Paul E. Stry Foundation, Inc. will donate $20,000 to be used to support the management of State Natural Areas (PDF)
      3. The Natural Resources Foundation will donate $17,000 to be used to support the 2014 Citizen Science in the Classroom Workshop (PDF)
  7. Board Members' Matters
Contact information
If you have Board-related questions or would like to request information, to submit written comments, or to register to speak at a Board meeting or listening session, email or call:
Laurie J. Ross, Board Liaison
Office of the Secretary, AD/8
The Natural Resources Board and Department of Natural Resources are committed to serving people with disabilities. If you need Board information in an alternative format, please email or call the Board Liaison.