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Nursery Seedling Stock Descriptions

The Wisconsin DNR’s Reforestation Program provides a preliminary list of available tree and shrub seedlings for public land managers and private landowners to consider for their 2025 planting projects. This list may change, due to climatic events, growing season challenges or demand, but it should provide those interested with enough information to plan their future plantings.

A final list of available species and age classes will be available just prior to the start of seedling sales on the first Monday in October. We also include minimum height descriptions, calipers, estimated inventory and a short narrative describing each seedling.

Species Age Quantity
Cedar, White 3-0 Adequate
Fir, Balsam 3-0 Limited
Hemlock, Eastern 3-0 Adequate
Pine, Jack 1-0 Limited
Pine, Jack 2-0 Adequate
Pine, Red 2-0 Adequate
Pine, Red 3-0 Adequate
Pine, White 2-0 Adequate
Pine, White 3-0 Limited
Spruce, Black 2-0 Adequate
Spruce, Black 3-0 Adequate
Spruce, White 2-0 Adequate
Spruce, White 3-0 Adequate
Tamarack 2-0 Limited
Species Age Quantity
Aspen Sdl Adequate
Basswood Sdl Very limited
Birch, River 2-0 Adequate
Birch, Yellow 2-0 Adequate
Butternut Sdl Limited
Cherry, Black 1-0 Adequate
Cherry, Black 2-0 Adequate
Elm, American 1-0 Very limited
Hackberry 1-0 Adequate
Hackberry 2-0 Limited
Hickory, Bitternut 2-0 Very limited
Maple, Hard 2-0 Adequate
Maple, Red 2-0 Very limited
Maple, Silver 1-0 Adequate
Oak, Bur 2-0 Adequate
Oak, Red 1-0 Limited
Oak, Red 2-0 Adequate
Oak, Southern Pin 1-0 Adequate
Oak, Southern Pin 2-0 Very limited
Oak, Swamp white 1-0 Adequate
Oak, Swamp white 2-0 Adequate
Oak, White 1-0 Limited
Oak, White 2-0 Adequate
Sycamore 1-0 Adequate
Sycamore 2-0 Adequate
Walnut, Black Sdl Adequate
Species Age Quantity
Buttonbush Sdl Very limited
Cranberry, Highbush Sdl Limited
Dogwood, Grey Sdl Very limited
Dogwood, Red-osier Sdl Very limited
Dogwood, Silky Sdl Limited
Hawthorn Sdl Adequate
Hazlenut Sdl Adequate
Juneberry Sdl Very limited
Plum, Wild Sdl Adequate


  • 1-0: Planted as seed, harvested after one season of growth
  • 2-0: Planted as seed, harvested after two seasons of growth
  • 3-0: Planted as seed, harvested after three seasons of growth
  • Sdl: Mixture of 1-0 and 2-0 seedlings
Beginning Inventory Status
  • Seedling inventories as of the first day of ordering; first Monday in October.
  • Adequate: Greater than 75% of projected demand
  • Limited: Between 50% and 75% of projected demand
  • Very limited: Less than 50% of projected demand
Narrative Terms
  • Caliper: Diameter of a seedling's stem at ground level
  • Sturdy: Caliper larger than typical for specific species
  • Variable: Wide-ranging
  • Vigorous: Nutrient loaded seedling
  • Well balanced: Equal sized roots and tops
  • Well rooted: Well developed tap and/or feeder and fine roots with ample root hairs