Kettle Moraine State Forest - Northern Unit

About 95% of the Kettle Moraine State Forest - Northern Unit is open to public hunting during established open seasons. Some seasons may be subject to change. Consult the hunting and trapping regulations before going hunting. Because the forest is used by many other recreationists, hunters should be especially aware of gun safety and conduct while hunting. Hunting near any trail being used by hikers, equestrians, bikers and skiers is discouraged. The most heavily used trails are Crooked Lake, Forest Lake, Greenbush, Butler Lake, Parnell Tower, Zillmer and New Fane loop trails, as well as the Ice Age National Scenic Trail and the bridle/snowmobile trails that traverse the linear length of the forest.
Areas restricted from hunting include the 850-acre wildlife refuge around Mauthe Lake and areas of high public use such as recreation areas, campgrounds and the Ice Age Visitor Center. There are many acres of private land scattered throughout the forest. Take care to stay on state-owned property and not trespass on adjacent private lands.
Target shooting is prohibited throughout the forest. The northern unit has two dog training areas available for training hunting dogs. Scheduled dog trials will take precedence over dog training. These areas will be posted when trials are scheduled, or call forest headquarters for more information.