Water Recreation
Devil's Lake State Park

Canoeing, Kayaking and Boating
Two no-fee boat landings are available at the park; on the north shore near the Chateau and along Park Road between the north and south shores.
Only electric motors are allowed. Watercraft may be rented at the park's concession areas. There is an adaptive kayak available through the rental program. Life preservers are required for each occupant in all boats, including rubber rafts.
There are two beaches, one at each end of the lake, totaling 3,300 feet in length. Each beach has a bathhouse. Lifeguards are not provided.
Swimmer's itch is reported here almost every year. Signs will be posted near the swimming areas when the organisms that cause it are present. If you swim in Devil's Lake in early summer, rub briskly with a towel right after leaving the water. Showering may also help.
There is a beach access mat at North Shore Beach. A beach wheelchair is available at the North Shore Beach and can be checked out at the Chateau.
SCUBA Diving
Scuba diving is popular at the park. Diving flags are required. Never dive alone.