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Badger State Trail

Stewart Tunnel Closed Until Further Notice:
Sections of loose and falling rocks from the ceiling and side walls inside the Stewart Tunnel on the Badger State Trail caused the DNR to close the tunnel in 2019 for safety concerns. The tunnel remains closed today. Tunnel Road provides a temporary detour for users to go around the tunnel. $6.6 million is included in the Governor’s 2023-25 Biennial Budget for repairing and re-opening the Stewart Tunnel. The tentative schedule for the tunnel repair project is design in 2025 and construction to start in 2026 with an estimated completion in 2027. The project will proceed with repairs consistent with the scope of work described as Alternative 4 – Corrugated Metal Pipe Lining in the Stewart Tunnel Alternatives Analysis Report (see below).
Stewart Tunnel Closed
The Stewart Tunnel has been closed since 2019.

Stewart Tunnel Alternatives Analysis

In December 2021, engineering firm GEI Consultants provided a Badger State Trail Stewart Tunnel Review of Alternatives Report for the Stewart Tunnel that analyzed nine different alternatives from an engineering standpoint. The DNR used the GEI report as a starting point for developing the Stewart Tunnel Alternatives Analysis report that analyzed a variety of considerations to formulate a recommendation.

A public comment period was conducted from April through June 17, 2022, on the draft Alternatives Analysis report. Stakeholders and the public were encouraged to submit comments using an online feedback form or in writing to the department. A total of 901 public comments were received.


The Alternatives Analysis report recommends Alternative 4 – Corrugated Metal Pipe Lining – because it would provide a long-term solution for ensuring safer, year-round access to the tunnel for recreational purposes while also preserving the bat hibernaculum. Additional information regarding the recommendation can be found in the Stewart Tunnel Alternatives Analysis.

Project contacts

Terry Bay
Bureau Director, Facilities and Lands
Phone: 608-266-5782

Sara Rigelman
Recreation Liaison
Phone: 608-572-5007

Missy Vanlanduyt
Recreation Partnerships, External Relations and Communication Section Chief
Phone: 608-515-6006