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MDV Annual Reports

As described in Section 283.16(8)(b)3. of the Wisconsin Statues, multi-discharger variance (MDV) funds distributed to counties must be used and reported by May 1 two years after the funds are disbursed. Each county is required to submit an Annual Report for each watershed and funding year in which MDV funds were spent.

This page displays all completed and approved Annual Reports from funding years that have come due. Reports due May 1 will be posted after July 1 on an annual basis.

Notes regarding these reports:

  • The reports are separated by funding year, with reports spanning multiple funding years listed under the earliest year. However, a county may implement practices using MDV funds across several funding years' reports. For a complete picture of MDV fund usage in a watershed, please view the reports for the watershed across all years.
  • Reports that have not yet been approved by the DNR do not appear on this page. If you are looking for a particular funding year and watershed and you do not find it here, please reach out to Molly Krueger to get an update on the status of a given report.
  • Attachments referenced in the reports must be downloaded directly from the BMP Implementation Tracking System (BITS). If you would like to access BITS, you may request an account to view completed reports using these instructions.

2019 MDV Funds

These reports describe projects implemented with MDV funds counties received in 2019.

2020 MDV Funds

These reports describe projects implemented with MDV funds counties received in 2020.

2021 MDV Funds

These reports describe projects implemented with MDV funds counties received in 2021.

2022 MDV Funds

These reports describe projects implemented with MDV funds counties received in 2022.

2023 MDV Funds

Projects implemented with MDV funds counties received in 2023 will be posted after July 1, 2025.