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Frequently asked questions

Uploading data to Laboratory Data Entry System (LDES)

Common questions related to creating the data files to upload to LDES.

What will we do if there is no unique well number or public water supply number given?

One of these identifiers needs to be included on any sample that is taken at an entry point or source. Otherwise, the results cannot be credited to the required monitoring. Distribution system samples don't require these identifiers.

Is this reporting only for new wells to be submitted electronically?

No, it is for all Safe Drinking Water Act monitoring done at public water supply systems.

Can I submit a file for private drinking water lab results?

No, the Private Drinking Water program did not want to support file submissions. The only way you can submit this type of data is by through the Switchboard.

What file format do I need to use?

There are currently two basic types of formats. They are XML and delimited text. For more information, see the Lab Data Transmittal page. Private Drinking Water does not have file upload. Both Public and Private Drinking Water provide a web-based data entry form that will allow you to enter results directly via your browser.

How are the batch ID numbers assigned?

These ids are assigned by the facility submitting the data and should be unique for that facility id.

Will the submitting facility, primary lab #, and lab id all be the same?

In most cases, they probably will be the same. In some cases, we may get submissions from a facility instead of a lab, which would change the submitting facility. In other cases, one lab may subcontract some analyses to another lab; then, the primary_lab_id would be different from the lab_id.

Are the primary lab sample id and lab sample id always the same?

Yes, if the primary lab does the analysis. If you subcontract, the subcontracted lab may have their own ID for their analysis.

Do you need the "am" and "pm" in the times if you use military times? Or do you need them converted to "am/pm"?

The specs allow for 2 date/time formats: "03/30/2001 1:40:00 pm" which requires 'am' or 'pm', and the equivalent ISO format "2001-03-30T13:40". Take your pick. If time is reported as part of the date field, you must include the entire date component in one of the above formats. That means you must include seconds.

What are the accepted values for "result value no" for coliform results?

We would accept either a numeric value (0 or 1) or a text value (ABSENT or PRESENT). So, a positive result would be reported as either a "1" or "PRESENT".

Their chlorine field is recorded in ppm. Do we need to convert to "MG/L" or can I just change the "results units text" to "PPM"?

It is better to report in a weight per volume unit. Avoid "PPM" or "PPB".

If they don't test for chlorine, do you still want me to send a second record, filled with zeros, or just the Bacti record?

If they do not test for a parameter, then don't send a record for it. The exception is when a sample was collected and for some reason the sample cannot be tested. These would be reported with the appropriate "no-result" code.

Is there a national laboratory data reporting standard?

There is a national standard and DNR plans to comply with the standard but will continue to support our current data formats. It can be found at System of Registries.

What if I use different dilutions for a sample in order to be in the calibration range?

In a multi analyte method (VOCs, HAA5, TTHM, ion chromatography, and etc.) you could have a number of analytical runs in order to get all of the analytes in the calibration range for a single sample. Here is an example.

  • HAA5 analysis batch 1, dilution 1X, 07/02/12 10:00
    • Monochloroacetic acid- ND
    • Dichloroacetic acid- ND
    • Trichloroacetic acid- ND
    • Monobromoacetic acid- ND
  • HAA5 analysis batch 2, dilution 5X, 07/02/12 13:00
    • Dibromoacetic acid 100 ug/l

The DNR LDES was setup many years ago to record the dilution factor and analysis date in the analysis record for the sample. Some data lab data systems may choose to record this information at the result record level others at the analysis record for the sample.

If the lab records the dilution factor at the result level there are several things that can be done to report the data:

  1. Transpose the data to the analysis level on the output file for DNR LDES.
  2. Do not report a dilution factor (this is not a required field).
  3. Report each result as a different analysis batch.
How are the sample, analysis and result id numbers assigned?

These are assigned by the lab doing the actual analysis. These ID numbers may be assigned sequentially or may be based on some type of algorithm. This may include a combination of date, parameter code, alphabetic codes, etc. The important thing is that the combination of all three ID numbers (sample, analysis and result) must be unique for each laboratory.

What do I do when I want to change something on a sample record that has already been sent to DNR?

If you want to resubmit data that has already been accepted, you need to beware of three things. First you cannot use the same batch number for the replacement file. So, for example, if you want to change something on samples submitted on batch SRA0325, you may want to change the batch number to SRA0325A. The second thing to be aware of is that the sample status code should be changed from "complete" to "corrected". And the third thing is that you should place in the memo or comment field why the sample record is being corrected.

I get a differing sample header data error message, what does this mean?

The message "Differing sample header data amongst records with same PRIMARY_LAB_ID (NNNNNNNNN) and PRIMARY_LAB_SAMPLE_ID (NNNNNNNN)." pertains to text file submissions. Data for each result for a given sample has to be the same for date collected, date reported, collector, etc. If not, you will get this error. Common errors include an additional space or date and time. Correct the date or remove the extra spaces and resubmit the file.