Stakeholder Input Opportunities for Forestry Documents
The DNR Division of Forestry prioritizes soliciting stakeholder input on division documents. As a division, we are committed to informing and involving our stakeholders in the development and review of materials that guide our programs.
Inviting stakeholders to provide input is not only good customer service. It also creates opportunities to identify potential concerns and unforeseen impacts, understand diverse perspectives and determine the level of stakeholder support for division documents.
Documents available for stakeholder input
Document Title | Contact Person | Due Date for Comments | Description of Document and Proposed Changes | Comment Summary and Final Document |
Forest Tax Law Handbook | Skya Murphy | 05/15/2024 |
Two chapters received minor revisions. Changes open for comment are highlighted yellow in the updated documents. Forest Tax Law Handbook Chapter 100, which chronicles changes to the Forest Tax Law programs over time, including statutory, rule, and policy changes. Chapter 100 is important as a descriptive reference but doesn’t include any procedures. The chapter was updated to detail changes wrought by 2021 Act 230 and 2023 Act 12, and acreage share tax rates were updated in the MFL and FCL revenue tables. The processing schedule was updated with updated information and roles. Forest Tax Law Handbook Chapter 201, which guides the consistent preparation of approvable MFL Applications and Management Plans. This revision corrects the inadvertent omission of information from the recent revision to Table 201- 9 “Required Signatures by Ownership Type” on page 201-18. This update includes a note relevant to delegation of signature authority and documenting ownership interest of deceased individuals named on the proof of ownership. The Forest Tax Law Handbook serves to digest the law relating to the forest tax programs and provide guidance for the administration and implementation of the Tax Law programs. The Handbook embodies statute and rule and provides greater procedural detail to ensure consistency in their application. |
The revised Handbook content was posted for Stakeholder input from May 1-May 15. Two written comments were received and resulted in no changes to the document. |
Timber Sale Handbook | Douglas Brown | 04/24/2024 |
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is seeking stakeholder input on proposed changes to the Timber Sale Handbook, which focus on program guidelines for department lands, county forests and Good Neighbor Authority timber sales. The primary reason we are updating is the entire handbook gets updated every 2 years to review current process/procedures, incorporate approved policy changes, update language, improve clarification, process and fix broken links. The major update at this time involves an update to the timber sale close out process, updated content for improved consistency, an updated timber sale close out checklist, clearer guidance on accepting LOCs, and creation of a new contract expiration notification letter. Major updates include page(s):
The Timber Sale Handbook was posted for a 21-day public comment period on the DNR Division of Forestry’s “Stakeholder Input Opportunities for Forestry documents” webpage from April 3, 2024, through April 24, 2024. DNR staff were notified through the Department’s internal newsletter and more specifically through the Division of Forestry’s internal newsletter. External stakeholders were notified via this webpage and direct emails where appropriate. The Department extends its sincerest thanks and appreciation to those who provided comment and feedback on the proposed changes. A total of 10 individuals/organizations provided comments on the draft version. A summary of comments and Division responses [PDF] is available. A complete list of all comments can also be made available upon request. |
Private Forestry Handbook | Kailey Evenson | 03/14/2024 |
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is seeking stakeholder input on proposed changes to Chapter 15 and Chapter 21 of the Private Forestry Handbook [PDF], which focus on program guidelines for the School and Community Forest Programs and Private Land Management Plans, respectively. The primary reason we are updating Chapter 15 is to provide program clarification, updates to the application procedure and eligibility, and add a section outlining the process for the Sale of School and Community Forest Lands. The primary reason we are updating Chapter 21 is to provide clarity to the different types of private land management plans and updates to the Forest Stewardship Plan standards as set by USFS. There is a 45-day service standard that has been added for review and approval of forest stewardship plans once submitted. We welcome your feedback on the updates to these chapters and have highlighted all revised language in yellow. |
Updates to Chapters 15 and 21 of the Private Forestry Handbook included a number of changes based on written comments received during the stakeholder input period and internal review. A summary of those comments and the Division’s response [PDF] is available for viewing. |
Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction Act Grants 2024 Application Guide |
Laura Buntrock |
02/06/2024 |
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is seeking input on the Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction Act Grants 2024 Application Guide. This guide was created to support applicants as they apply for federal Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funding through the DNR’s Urban and Community Forestry Grant program. These federal monies have different requirements, therefore, a new application guide was created that is specific to the IRA funds. This document does not replace existing guidance for urban and community forest grant opportunities outside those offered through federal IRA funding. We are seeking public input on the clarity and completeness of this document. The parameters of this funding opportunity are determined through state administrative code and requirements of the USDA Forest Service, which allocated the IRA funds to the Department to sub-award to local entities. |
Publication of the updated application guide included a number of changes based on written comments received during the stakeholder input period and internal review. A summary of those comments and the Division’s response is available for viewing. The Urban Forestry Inflation Reduction Act Grants 2024 Application Guide will be housed on the UF IRA Grants webpage. |
Skya Murphy |
11/03/2023 |
Forest Tax Law Handbook Chapter 201 Managed Forest Law Procedures for Applications and Management Plans. Procedures have been updated to reflect updates to Ch. 77, Wis. Stats. and NR 46, Wis. Admin. Code and our current directives and operational processes. These updates replace all content specific to applications and management plans currently found in Chapter 20 of the Tax Law Handbook. As part of this Handbook update, the stumpage rate information was moved to our public website. The 2024 limited application rates are available there, along with the formula used to calculate them. Search "MFL stumpage rates" at If you have questions or comments about stumpage values, you may contact Skya Murphy, Forest Tax Law Policy Specialist. The Forest Tax Law Handbook serves to digest the law relating to the forest tax programs and provide guidance for the administration and implementation of the Tax Law programs. The Handbook embodies statute and rule and provides greater procedural detail to ensure consistency in their application. |
Publication of the updated Handbook included moving the limited application stumpage rate information to the public website. Search ‘MFL stumpage rates’ on this website. Three written comments on Chapter 201 were received during the stakeholder input period. One internal comment resulted in no changes. Each of the external comments received resulted in changes to the finalized Handbook, and an additional content edit was made:
The chapter was also reformatted including linking the table of contents and numbering tables and figures. |
Prescribed Burn Handbook |
Elena Crownover |
08/02/2023 |
The Wisconsin DNR Prescribed Burn Program is in the process of updating the department’s Prescribed Burn Handbook. Each chapter of the handbook involves different policy aspects of planning, operations, and evaluation for internal staff in the burn program. Chapter 1: General Policy [PDF] contains all overarching program policy as well as policy that affects our outside fire management partners, businesses, and the general public. We welcome your feedback on the content in this chapter and have highlighted all updated language in green text to aid in your review. |