Deer Management Assistance Program
"A partnership for healthy deer and healthy habitat"
Effective March 1, 2025, DMAP will be unable to enroll new members as we work to change the program to improve member experience and data sharing. We thank you for your patience and for the individuals interested in enrolling to check back in late 2025 for updated information.
Note: Information on this page applies to the current structure of our program and may not be the same after the upcoming program changes are completed. We will update the website with the new information as soon as possible, so please check back to learn more.
Wisconsin's Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) partners the Wisconsin DNR with private landowners and hunters to manage wildlife habitat and deer herd populations. As part of this partnership, wildlife and forestry professionals provide tools, resources and technical assistance to help members achieve their management goals. In return, DMAP members collect and share deer harvest and observation data used to manage Wisconsin's deer herd. DMAP is available to any private landowner, land manager (public or private) or hunter regardless of how much land they manage or their management goals.
Joining DMAP
Whether you have five acres or five hundred, DMAP has something to offer. All DMAP members have access to a vast library of habitat management resources, direct access to professional biologists and foresters and regular workshops on a wide variety of topics. Depending on the number of acres enrolled in DMAP, members may also choose to have an on-site visit with a biologist and forester to identify habitat improvement projects that help achieve their habitat and deer herd goals.
- Level 1 [PDF]: 0-640+ acres, no enrollment fee.
- Level 2 [PDF]: 160-640 acres, $75 enrollment fee every three years.
- Level 3 [PDF]: 640+ acres, $150 enrollment fee every three years.
- DMAP on public lands [PDF]: Deer management on federal, state, county or municipal lands.
DMAP Program Offerings | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Enrollment fee | None | $75 | $150 |
Minimum acreage requirement | 0 | 160 | 640 |
DMAP educational resources | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Technical assistance from a local biologist and forester | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Annual DMAP Reports | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
DMAP workshops and training opportunities | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Citizen science opportunities | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Information on funding resources for habitat projects | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
On-site visit with a professional forester and biologist | ✔ | ✔ | |
Customized property management plan | ✔ | ✔ | |
Annual deer harvest reports | ✔ | ✔ | |
Reduced-price antlerless tags* | ✔ | ✔ |
*For qualifying properties
Why Join?
Want to learn more about DMAP and its offerings? Watch the February 2024 recording of The Hide, in which we discuss DMAP, its benefits, and its future.
DMAP Cooperatives
One of the fundamental values of DMAP is that white-tailed deer are an important wildlife resource in Wisconsin and should be held in the public trust for the benefit of all people. With around 500,000 acres of land enrolled across 71 counties, DMAP seeks to bring landowners and managers together to provide healthy habitats and healthy deer across the state.
One way we achieve this is by forming group cooperatives between neighboring landowners. Properties within half a mile of one another may be enrolled under the same DMAP profile, allowing members to share resources and potentially enroll at a higher DMAP level than they could individually. If you are interested in joining or forming a group cooperative, you are encouraged to reach out to your neighbors and apply with them or contact your local DMAP Specialist, who may be able to put you in touch with nearby DMAP members.
DMAP Resources
DMAP members gain access to a wide array of technical and educational resources, such as videos produced by DMAP biologists on timber stand improvement and scientific articles on deer management. We also curate a monthly e-newsletter, the Cooperator Update, which keeps members in the loop on all things herd and habitat management. In addition, those who receive a site visit can get a personalized site visit summary and/or detailed management plan to help implement specific projects on their property. See examples of our resources, cooperator update, management plan and site visit summary below.
Hear from DMAP Members
DMAP Annual Reports
DMAP's mission is to partner with private landowners and hunters to foster positive relationships, implement sound landowner-specific habitat and deer herd management and collect data to support deer management in Wisconsin.
To learn more about how we work to achieve that mission, check out our annual reports:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the Deer Management Assistance Program?
The Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) partners the WDNR with private landowners, land managers and hunters to provide habitat and herd management assistance that aligns with their goals. The department will provide tools (project plans, antlerless tags, etc.), resources (workshops, etc.) and technical assistance to help members achieve their habitat and deer management goals. In return, members provide deer harvest and observation data for use in deer management.
Can landowners interested in managing habitats for wildlife other than deer enroll in DMAP?
Yes! DMAP offers recommendations based on the landowner's goals, whether they are deer-related (more deer, less deer, bigger bucks) or non-deer-focused (songbirds, grouse, turkey, native plants, etc.) Thus, we'll provide recommendations for improving the habitat for wildlife that interests you.
How do I re-enroll for DMAP?
Log in to the MyDMAP online database between Feb. 1-28 and follow the prompts. Re-enrollment is only necessary once every three years.
Are there any requirements for DMAP members?
Members who enroll in Levels 2 and 3 are required to pay an enrollment fee every three years. They are also encouraged to record deer harvest and observation data and track the use of DMAP antlerless tags (if issued) in their MyDMAP account.
Can corporations, businesses, trusts or similar entities enroll in DMAP?
Yes. However, before successfully enrolling in DMAP, the corporation or similar entity must complete documentation identifying an "authorized representative" who can make decisions on behalf of the entity.
What is a DMAP group cooperative?
A DMAP group cooperative is an association of individual property owners or their representatives who organize to manage deer and other wildlife resources and whose members have agreed to participate in DMAP. Group cooperatives must designate a representative landowner as a primary contact. The primary contact will be the point of contact between DNR staff and other cooperative members. Group cooperatives can be comprised of public and/or private lands.
What are the benefits of joining a group cooperative?
Group cooperatives are a good way for landowners to network with neighbors with similar land management goals. Group cooperatives may help individual landowners achieve the minimum acreage requirements for level 2 or 3 benefits. Landowners may also be able to share costs and equipment to conduct habitat management activities over a larger area, which may enhance habitat for a wider variety of wildlife.
Does a DMAP group cooperative only include adjoining properties?
No. However, each property enrolled in a group cooperative must be within one-half mile of another property in the cooperative.
Do property owners in Level 2 or 3 group cooperatives receive their management plans?
No. One management plan will be written that covers all included properties.
How many properties can be included in a DMAP group cooperative?
There is no limit to the number of properties that may be included in a group cooperative. However, they must be within one-half mile of another enrolled property.
Can a landowner add additional properties to their group cooperative after enrolling in the program?
Yes, even after a landowner has enrolled in DMAP, they may add additional landowners/properties to their individual property or cooperative. However, those landowners/properties added following the initial enrollment date will still adhere to the initial enrollment date and site visit schedule.
Can someone who manages a property they do not own personally enroll that property in DMAP?
Yes, but only with approval from the property owner. This includes having the landowner register in the MyDMAP database and then designating the property manager as their authorized representative.
How will DMAP be applied to public lands?
Public land managers interested in DMAP are welcome to apply. DNR staff will work with land managers to accomplish one or more of the following objectives:
- Provide management options to help address deer management concerns and reach habitat objectives.
- Promote wildlife habitat improvement projects on public properties where quality habitat is limited.
- Provide educational opportunities.
DMAP may be a good fit for public lands with urban deer issues, localized areas where deer impact vegetation or properties with existing management plans that would benefit from additional emphasis on wildlife habitat management recommendations.
How will properties that are enrolled in the Managed Forest Law (MFL) or Forest Crop Law (FCL) program work within DMAP?
Properties enrolled in MFL or FCL may participate in DMAP. Level 2 and 3 DMAP enrollees enrolled in MFL or FCL will receive a management plan for that program and a DMAP management plan. The DMAP plan will provide additional detail on wildlife habitat and management, which will complement the recommendations provided in the MFL or FCL plan.
For DMAP, are properties enrolled in the Managed Forest Law program considered private or public lands?
Currently, properties enrolled in the MFL program (open or closed) are considered private properties. As such, MFL properties enrolled in DMAP are eligible for private land benefits including management recommendations.
Who will conduct the site visit for those enrolled in DMAP levels 2 and 3?
A local DMAP team member (DMAP biologist or Forest Habitat Biologist) and DNR Forester will conduct the initial site visit. Site visits usually occur in the spring or summer at a time of mutual convenience to department staff and the landowner or property manager. The landowner or authorized representative must be present for the initial site visit.
What can I expect during my site visit?
During a site visit, we will tour your enrolled property to discuss any concerns and goals, as well as potential projects, for which you will receive step-by-step directions within your management plan. These will be connected with spots or areas you highlight during our time on the property. The amount of time, projects and spots you can expect based on acreage are as follows:
- 160 - 640
- 3-4 hours
- 2-4 projects
- 4-6 spots
- 640+
- 4-6 hours
- 2-5 projects
- 5-8 spots
These estimates are general, as site visits can be designed to fit your needs. Some may take longer or have less designated spots.
- 160 - 640
Who will authorize the issuance of DMAP antlerless tags?
Local DMAP team members (DMAP biologist or Forest Habitat Biologist) will authorize the issuance of DMAP antlerless tags for a given property or group cooperative. Similar to other license purchases, DMAP antlerless tags will be made available for purchase through the Go Wild licensing system. DMAP tags are issued following the site visit at the discretion of the DMAP Specialist in consultation with the landowner or representative.
How will the department determine if DMAP antlerless tags should be issued to enrollees?
The department will consider information collected by staff during a property assessment. Property assessments will include an evaluation of current habitat conditions, deer harvest history, an assessment of local deer numbers and property habitat goals as discussed with the landowner or representative(s).
Will DMAP antlerless tags be issued in Deer Management Units that do not have an antlerless quota for the year?
Yes. However, antlerless harvest tags are property-specific and not guaranteed to all DMAP members.
How do DMAP cooperators obtain DMAP antlerless tags?
DMAP antlerless tags for the property or cooperative are issued to the Go Wild account for landowners listed in the MyDMAP database. Go Wild will track tag purchases and count down the number of tags available for the property or cooperative as the tags are purchased. Like other harvest authorizations, DMAP antlerless tags can be printed at home, at a DNR service center or with a licensed agent for a processing fee.
Can landowners sell DMAP antlerless tags to other hunters?
Yes. Landowners or representatives can sell them for no more than the original cost. DMAP antlerless tags may only be used on the DMAP property for which they were issued.
How do hunters register a deer harvested and tagged with a DMAP antlerless tag?
Hunters will register deer using the GameReg system by calling 1-844-426-3734 or going online to Upon completing the registration process, the hunter will receive a 10-character confirmation number, which will serve as proof of registration. DMAP members should also enter the harvest information into their MyDMAP account.
Who can participate in DMAP workshops?
All DMAP members, regardless of level, are encouraged to attend DMAP workshops and bring along interested family members, neighbors, and friends. Workshops present information on deer and habitat management and allow networking with other members and natural resources professionals. Topics vary by workshop but usually include deer herd health, deer management strategies, wildlife biology, forest and habitat management, funding sources and much more. Workshops are typically a mix of talks from guest speakers, hands-on activities and field trips. Additionally, DMAP offers virtual workshops on a variety of topics, such as deer research, ecology, and management topics.