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Wastewater systems security

No federal or state regulations currently exist that require wastewater treatment plants to conduct a vulnerability assessment. The DNR encourages municipalities to voluntarily complete a vulnerability assessment for the following reasons:

  • Wastewater system security measures protect one of the most valuable financial assets of a community.
  • Some insurance companies may want demonstration that preventive actions have been taken to reduce vandalism.
  • Preventing or reducing the loss of wastewater service to customers protects the environment and human health.
  • Planning for emergencies helps protect wastewater treatment employees.
  • Some federal grant and loan programs for wastewater utility improvements now require vulnerability assessments as a condition of the grant or loan.

These federal activities and directives have highlighted the need for wastewater treatment security:

  • The 1996 "President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection" assessed the security of the nation's critical infrastructures and its vulnerability to physical and cyber attacks.
  • In 1997, the EPA was assigned responsibility for water infrastructure security protection through presidential directive "HSPD7: Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization and Protection."
  • In 2002, the "Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2001" [exit DNR] was enacted. This act required water systems serving more than 3,300 persons to prepare vulnerability assessments of their vulnerabilities to terrorist attacks or other intentional acts. [exit DNR] provides information on congressional actions by search topic. Type in the words "Wastewater Security" in the Word/Phrase box on the webpage. Click the search button to find congressional actions in the area of wastewater security and funding recommendations.

The article "Summary of January 2005 Government Accountability Office Findings on Wastewater System Funding Recommendations for Security Improvements" contains recommendations on how to fund security measures.