Summer is in full bloom in the prairies of Lakeshore State Park! Join us for our monthly walk through the prairies to witness what is flowering and what animals are utilizing the native wildflowers and grasses. All ages and abilities are welcome.…
We’ll hike across the wooden bridge over to the Nature Trail Loop and explore the ridges and swales that mark successive shorelines of ancient Lake Nippissing. The trail runs through a series of ridges and swales, and you will learn about these, and…
Explore the Point Beach lakeshore dunes and discover what a rare and beautiful gem Point Beach State Forest is. The dunes-and-swales formations like the ones here are now found only in two other places in Wisconsin (Woodland Dunes Preserve/Manitowoc…
Learn about the history and construction of Lakeshore, Wisconsin’s only human-built, urban state park. We will walk a complete loop of the park, stopping to talk about the changing landscape along the way. Meet at the Park’s north entrance, just…