Find out about our feathered friends! Drop by the Exploration Station to test your bird identification knowledge, play “spot the bird”, learn bird calls, make bird art and more.
Take a self-guided hike down the Skyline Trail to see if you can spot all 15 bird photos hidden along the trail.
Learn more about our national bird by stopping by the clearing at the North Campground.
Watch for eagles and other wildlife while hiking this 0.8-mile linear trail.
Did you know there are over 100 species of birds that call the park home? Come watch the amazing aerial feats of the Caspian Tern or listen for the splash of a cormorant diving for its dinner on a walk with our Park Naturalist.
Take a self-guided hike down the Skyline Trail (beginning next to the Visitor Center) to see if you can spot all 15 bird photos hidden along the trail.
Join master naturalist Karen Merlau and discover the many wildflowers growing along the Black River Trail.
Join master naturalist Karen Merlau and discover the many wildflowers growing along the Black River Trail.