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  • Event

    National Trails Day on the Bearskin


    It's National Trails Day, and also this year, the Bearskin State Trail turns 50!

  • Event

    OutWiGo Green


    Join Wisconsin State Park System staff and friends for a day of adventure, learning and celebrating in the outdoors.

  • Event

    Sugar River State Trail 50th Anniversary


    Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Sugar River State Trail.

  • Event

    Women’s Bike Ride – The Great Sauk Trail


    Take an early evening bike ride on the Great State Sauk Trail in the Sauk Prairie Recreation Area.

  • Event

    National Trails Day on the Red Cedar State Trail


    Celebrate National Trails Day with the Friends of the Red Cedar State Trail.

  • Event

    Tour De Bong


    Bring your bike and helmet for a leisurely ride through the park with a guide.

  • Event

    Biking Through Habitats Evening Exploration


    Enjoy a leisurely bike ride through the habitats along the Lake to Lake Trail.

  • Event

    Free Fun Weekend 2021


    Wisconsin is home to 49 state parks, 15 state forests, 44 state trails, 84,000 miles of rivers and streams, roughly 15,000 lakes and so much more. For the first weekend every June, you can explore it all with state park admission fees, fishing…

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