View the moon and other cool space objects through a telescope and enjoy learning about the vast expanse of our universe.
Join presenter Jonathan Rebelsky for a Badger Talk just after sunset that will cover a wide variety of exciting astronomical topics
To witness an extraordinary view of space, join the University of Wisconsin-Madison astronomers as they present our “Universe in the Park.”
Learn about and view the universe you call home with the Northern Cross Science Foundation! The provided telescopes and educators are sure to excite you and leave you even more curious.
Drop by this program at a time convenient to you; the Northern Cross Science Foundation volunteers will be waiting to explore the beauty and depth of the night sky with you.
The Door Peninsula Astronomical Society will have a solar telescope at the Old Ski Hill overlook to view the sun.
Learn about and view the universe you call home with the Northern Cross Science Foundation! The provided telescopes and educators are sure to excite you and leave you even more curious.
Join the Friends of Lakeshore State Park and a park naturalist to view the last total solar eclipse North America will see for the next 20 years!
Join us for this daytime celestial event as we enjoy a partial view of the solar eclipse.