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  • Webpage

    Reducing food waste at home

    Edible food that is thrown away or becomes spoiled, along with food scraps such as banana peels and watermelon rinds, make up the largest amount of waste sent to Wisconsin landfills. Making small changes to how food is handled at home can…

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Council on Recycling meeting

    Agenda topics for the council include DNR/legislative updates, challenges of rechargeable batteries in the waste and recycling streams, 2020 recycling and solid waste data and more.

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Material Recovery Facility (MRF) Stakeholder Meeting

    The DNR will be hosting the fourth annual MRF Stakeholder meeting to facilitate MRF operator discussions and provide pertinent updates.

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Hauler Stakeholder and Recycling Reporting Training

    Topics covered will include a brief overview of legal requirements and information how haulers can assist their municipal customers with recycling reporting.

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Hauler Stakeholder and Recycling Reporting Meeting

    Topics covered will include a brief overview of legal requirements and information how haulers can assist their municipal customers with recycling reporting.

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Waste and Materials Management Study Group

    The Waste and Materials Management Study Group will be meeting on Dec. 2, 2021 on Zoom.

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Recovery & Diversion Subgroup Meeting

    The Recovery and Diversion subgroup of the Waste and Materials Management Study Group will meet via Zoom to discuss battery recycling and other emerging issues, as well as any other timely recycling program updates.

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Waste and Materials Management Study Group

    The Waste and Materials Management Study Group will be meeting on Aug. 5, 2021, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. using an online Zoom meeting.

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Waste and Materials Management Study Group

    The Waste and Materials Management Study Group will meet to discuss DNR updates, the group’s charter, recycling subcommittee updates and general PFAS initiatives in Wisconsin and the DNR.

  • Hearing/Meeting

    Milwaukee DMMF proposed Low Hazard Grant of Exemption for Dredged Material- Public Meeting

    A public meeting to discuss disposal of dredged material will be held by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 20, 2021 in Room 104 at the Port Milwaukee offices located at 2323 South Lincoln Memorial Drive in…

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