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    Drinking Water, Groundwater and Wells Publications

    Publications listed by title Annual safe drinking water report (DG-045) [PDF] Answers to your questions about well filling and sealing (DG-016) [PDF] Arsenic in drinking water (DG-062) [PDF]

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    Municipal waterworks operators

    Process Flow

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    Manure and drinking water

    Livestock manure may infiltrate drinking water wells from field application, spills and weather events. Manure may contain fecal bacteria, viruses and nitrates that can cause acute illness, especially in sensitive populations such as infants, women…

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    Drinking water and lead

    Lead is a common metal. Although originally used in many consumer products, lead is now known to be harmful to human health if ingested or inhaled. It can be found in lead-based paint, air, soil, household dust, food, some types of pottery and…

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    Municipal water system disinfection

    The vast majority of Wisconsin’s municipal water systems currently disinfect the water they deliver to consumers, killing viruses and bacteria that can unexpectedly occur. Learn if your municipal water system disinfects its water Here's how you…

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    Risk & Resilience Assessments and Emergency Response Plans (AWIA Section 2013)

    Section 2013 of AWIA requires community water systems that serve a population of 3,300 or more to conduct a risk and resilience assessment and develop an emergency response plan that must be updated and certified every five years. These…

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    Drinking Water and Groundwater Study Group

    The Drinking Water and Groundwater Study Group is a stakeholder working group formed in 2017 by DNR's Drinking Water and Groundwater (DG) program. The group serves as a forum for the program to receive input from and provide information to…

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    Wisconsin’s Source Water Assessment Program

    As a result of the 1996 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act, all states were required to complete source water assessments for all public water systems. DNR produced these assessments during the period between 1999 and 2003. These original…

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    Look Up Drinking Water Data

    The Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) standards apply to all water systems providing water for human consumption to the general public. This may include residences without a private well, as well as places of business that have their own well(s…

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    The quality of Wisconsin's drinking water

    Safe, clean drinking water is what we expect when we turn on our faucets. The Wisconsin DNR works to protect the quality and quantity of the state’s water resources and ensure the safety of drinking water. We're here to help you be better informed…

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