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    Method Details

    The following are the critical steps in preparing and analyzing samples for BOD testing. The BOD test is a method-defined (empirical) technique. Consequently, the method must be followed carefully, and must be performed consistently from day to day…

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    BOD equipment and supplies

    BOD Incubator Thermostatically controlled at 20± 1°C.

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    Oxygen measurement techniques

    DO Probe Electrochemical method: Composed of two metal electrodes in contact with supporting electrolyte and separated from the test solution by a gas permeable membrane. A constant voltage is placed across the cathode and anode. Oxygen diffuses…

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    BOD dilution water

    BOD dilution water nutrient solutions can be a source of contamination. If you prepare your own solution, make sure you store the phosphate buffer in a refrigerator. Discard any solution if it becomes cloudy or you observe any "chunks" floating in…

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    Calibration & barometric pressure

    Pressure adjustments Typically, any barometric pressure measurement that you hear (radio, TV) represents a value that has been corrected to a value relative to sea level. Why is this? For one thing, it's a means of standardizing data. Barometric…

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    DO meter calibration

    Calibration of the DO meter is arguably the most critical aspect of BOD testing, since we measure the consumption of dissolved oxygen (DO). While calibration may be the center of the DO measurement universe, calibration is in turn impacted by both…

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    BOD Basics

    Five-day test The BOD test originated in the United Kingdom due to pollution in the London area along the Thames River. They found that sewage dumped in the Thames River took five days to reach the ocean, hence the five-day incubation period. The…

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    Radon in private well water

    Radon is a substantial health risk in many Wisconsin homes. There is a risk of developing cancer from long term exposure to radon in air and water. If you get your drinking water from a private well, this page will guide you in evaluating whether…

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    Test your private well water annually

    Make sure you're serving your family safe drinking water. While most private water wells in Wisconsin provide safe drinking water, some may become contaminated with bacteria and other contaminants that are not filtered out when the water soaks into…

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    Central Sands Lakes Study

    In the past several decades, we have witnessed low water levels in water resources throughout the Central Sands, driven by changes in weather and land use. Due to concern about groundwater pumping from high-capacity wells, the DNR collaborated with…

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