The movement of dead or alive CWD-positive deer, moose, elk or reindeer/caribou (natural or human-assisted) is a key pathway in the spread of CWD. The infectious nature of the CWD prion contributes to an increased risk of introduction and spread of…
The Wildlife and Your Land series is designed to offer suggestions to you, the private landowner, on how to manage your land for wildlife. Each part of the series focuses on management practices that you can apply to your land, but first, let's…
The DNR reminds Wisconsin that the virus that has caused highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in wild birds is still present in the state. Information on HPAI can be found on our Avian Influenza webpage.
Three swan species can be found in Wisconsin -- trumpeter, tundra and the non-native mute swan. Trumpeter and tundra swans are migratory species whereas mute swans are an introduced non-native species that tend to remain year-round. All have white…
Please notify the DNR if you see a sick or dead deer or multiple dead deer in any one area. You do not need to report deer killed on or near a roadway. Reporting is the most efficient way to monitor disease and remove disease agents. Report your…
Updated Management PlanThe DNR began the process of updating the 10-year greater prairie-chicken management plan in 2020. The plan revision was developed in cooperation with the Greater Prairie-chicken Advisory Committee. The first draft of…
Wisconsin hosts 668 native vertebrates, including fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and
The DNR reminds Wisconsin that the virus that has caused highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in wild birds is still present in the state. Information on HPAI can be found on our Avian Influenza webpage.Below is a list of diseases and other…