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  • Event

    Animal Feeding


    Ever wanted to see a turtle eat? Or see a snake up close? Come visit the animals as they eat their lunch.

  • Event

    Pie Iron Demo


    Learn the fun of cooking over a campfire from Jon Riemann, the "Pudgy Pie Guy."

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    Nature Detectives


    Calling all youth to discover the secrets of nature by participating in the Wisconsin Explorer program! The program involves completing a required number of engaging nature activities in one of three age-appropriate books (ages 3-5, 6-8, and 9+) to…

  • Event

    Bird Hike!


    Warblers, tanagers, and finches, oh my! Join bird expert Brain Collins on an early morning walk to kick off your weekend. For the best experience, bring binoculars. Park and meet at the Camp Interstate Shelter.

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    Nature Storytime: Mollusks


    Have you ever wondered who used to live in the shell you found? We will explore this interesting group of animals that includes snails, clams and oysters.

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    Great Lakes, Small Streams Exhibit


    From May 20 through June 20, the Friends of Whitefish Dunes are hosting a traveling exhibit through the Wisconsin Historical Society at the Park Nature Center.

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    All About Wisconsin Turtles


    Visit the Ice Age Center between 1 and 3 p.m. to learn about Wisconsin’s 11 turtle species!

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    What's Bugging the Trees?


    Stop by the trailhead for the Pothole Trail and learn about the invasive species killing ash trees in the park: emerald ash borer.

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    Plants That Attack!


    Learn how to identify plants that can burn, sting and make you sick, along with tips on what to do if you have a close encounter with one of them.

  • Event

    Universe In The Park


    To witness an extraordinary view of space, join the University of Wisconsin-Madison astronomers as they present our “Universe in the Park.”

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